Al's IGP Experience

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   I first got one of those famous "Team Spirit" letters (August 1998) 
that is printed up by none other than BJ Bishop himself, and signed 
up in December 1998. According to his background he was just an 
ordinary printer, a simple guy from Texas, just like me. My life has 
been selling machinery for other people for the past 18 years and 
everything this GPG organization conveyed was a tingling sensation 
to my ears. Earnestly praying to the Lord that He would give me the 
understanding, knowledge, and wisdom the Lord let me fall unto my 
selfishness. Mark's testimony is "without question" a detailed 
account of exactly how they operate. However just to assure me they 
were on the "up and up" and to "seal the deal", my QR (Rich) put me 
in contact with a Christian missionary that testified he supplemented 
his work for the Lord with this business. The so called "like minded 
people" they are looking for means, be anything the customer (sucker) 
wants you to be to get their money. There were some tremendous 
expenses for me ahead I really wasn't warned about. Just like the 
other people who have given their testimony, IDEA, FEE, the long 
distance bills, and I even got those low budget leads from "Team 
Spirit". You know the ones that answer and say "who did you say gave 
you my number?", or "he hasn't lived here for 3 years!!" I'm still 
getting my copy of Ideas on Liberty, which is about the only real 
value I got from GPG, and the tapes awakened my curiosity for the 
offshore investments and programs. Finally I quit my job in October, 
1999 shattered, broke, all my dreams of making it even to a 
comfortable living dissolved. The GPG thing sent me into such a 
tailspin where people saw me coming and turned around. I wasn't able 
to sell even one customer, which is quite a blow to a trained 
salesman, but hey "this business sold itself!!" Like the others that 
testified before me I'm glad I don't have that hanging over my head, 
but I can't approach any of my "warm market" with any more business 
propositions. I am really heart-broken to read all these testimonies 
that confirm my experience with GPG, and should have heeded to my 
aunts advise when after the live presentation I took her to 
said "Son, you know, there are a lot of scams out there, I hope you 
haven't invested in this one!!" I will be more than happy to discuss 
my experience wit anyone contemplating going with GPG, there are a 
lot better things out there, and it's not as expensive. You can email 
me at


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Last updated November 1, 2001