Jodi's Global Prosperity Story
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Well, after reading all the stories about how people lost their money in this business. My story is nowhere as heartbreaking as some of the others are. After being contacted by emails like this one... Tired of the 40 X 40 X 40 Plan? You know: Work 40 hours per week for someone else for 40 years, then receive a 40% reduction in pay! Is working for a "boss" too demeaning and unrewarding? Are you sick of depending on a job with too little pay and too many hours with no personal reward and even less future? If you're determined to retire in the next 2 - 5 years with enough income to have REAL Financial Independence and Freedom, and are not afraid to work for it, I can help you. I am looking for people with a Good Work Ethic and extraordinary Desire to Earn at Least $10,000 per Month Working From Home! NO SPECIAL SKILLS OR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. We will give you all the training and personal support you will need to ensure your success! This LEGITIMATE HOME-BASED INCOME OPPORTUNITY can put you back in Control of your Time, Your Finances, and Your Life! If you've tried other opportunities in the past that have failed to live up to their promises, THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN ANYTHING ELSE YOU'VE SEEN! THIS IS NOT A GET-RICH-QUICK SCHEME! YOUR FINANCIAL PAST DOES NOT HAVE TO BE YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE! CALL ONLY IF YOU ARE SERIOUS! I admit I was finally curious. I really was tired of my job and alot of what was said appealed to me. I was contacted by a very nice lady who asked several questions to see if I qualified for their program. After qualifying she put me "through the system." I heard it all. My first red flag was when she told me she sold her car to go to a G2 meeting because she was excited at the opportunity. I did'nt follow up with the question in my mind "did you replace your car?" but let it pass. After listening in on some live calls and listening to a "wrap up call" that tells you why you should do this business and that they have no competition in the market and that they have been feature in Millionaire magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine and Tycoon Magazine(never heard of the last two) they encouraged some questions. Some real hard questions were asked. But the one that stuck out was paying for leads and postcards to get started after you start making money, needing to have a computer and a fax machine all of which I did not have at the time. The qualifed Retailer who you signed up with will provide leads for you but after you make your first two sales, which they call training sales and those sales actually pay the qualified retailer you signed up with, you now become responsible for your own sales. Well one lady made a statement about seeing bad information about Global Prosperity. The trainer pretty much overstep the question and went on about are you serious about making the kind of money we can offer. For me, that raised another flag, up to this point I thought this was something I could do. But decided to find out if there was negative information about this "company" I found this website and my heart goes out to all who have been hurt by this organization and after reading the stories by the people, I immediately called the person representing this organization and withdrew my involvement. Plus, I gave her this website to examine the stories for herself. If you have been contacted by anyone at Global Prosperity Group, Global Prosperity Marketing or Institute of Global Prosperity which I believe is their new name now, beware. Read the stories of those who were exploited for their money and make the right choice DO NOT JOIN THEM IN THEIR ILLEGAL PRACTICES. But help get the word out to your friends and family about the deception going on here. Greg

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Last updated August 10, 2001