Jo Ann's IGP Experience

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 My story is not about losing money - I feel I have lost my 
daughter. She became involved with IGP about one year ago when she feel in 
love with someone and he had a connection to IGP.  They decided to try 
their luck at becoming "independently wealthy" and at the same time 
became the "scammers".  My daughter gave up college and all her talents to 
sell this concept of sovereignty, etc. and believes in IGP's spiel. WE 
feel that this is more like a cult since all the people she now 
associates with have some kind of connection to IGP and she and her friend 
always have a catch phrase they use each time we "discuss" IGP's program. 
No matter what I say, or questions I pose my daughter always has an 
"answer".  Lately, it is "I cannot accept any negativity in my life. If 
you don't agree with these concepts, then you are being negative".  We 
see less and less of her because the boyfriend seems to think we don't 
treat him right - and she can't come to visit without him.  The last time
I talked to them, he answered the phone and gave me a lecture on 
IGP and used the "slavery"  pitch - I lost it and told him he doesn't 
know anything about slavery and that is a slap to the face of those people 
in the world that are suffering or have suffered under slavery.  Well, 
I haven't been able to talk to them since.

This is very sad for me, because my daughter has become someone I don't 
know.  She had a religious upbringing and knows that we are all in this 
world to help each other - but she has turned her back on all she once 
knew to be responsible for her financial future because as IGP has 
taught her, everyone needs to take care of themself.  I wonder if she would 
come and visit the inner-city school I work in, she would remember that 
not all children were as fortunate as she was - and she is throwing it 
all away by believing and not questioning IGP. 

Jo Ann

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Last updated November 6, 2001