Keith's Global Prosperity Story
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I joined GPG as a G1 associate, and progressed through the ranks until I was a G2 director. I went full time, and thought I had the world by the tail, then the truth slapped me in the face. GPG is nothing more than a way for Dan, Dave, and Zo to make a fortune off of the backs of all of the "little people" by making their money primarily off of the sales of leads, postcards, long distance service, access to the recordings, etc. It is all a scam for them to make a fortune, while you are out there spending your time and money attempting to sell their products, while buying their services, making them rich, and you broke. I should know, as I was spending in excess of $2,000 a month on long distance, and more on postcards. I will go further into detail later, but rest assured, GPG is strictly a con game. .


This is my story of how I was introduced to the Global Prosperity Group, and what happened with that fiasco.

I received a postcard in the mail in Spring of 1997 that told this wonderful story of how to make $2,000 a week from home, and if you are interested, then just call this 800 number and listen to a 3 minute recording. From the beginning, I was hooked. I had been working for the past 16 years in the industrial construction field, and working at different MLM businesses. By the way, the MLM’s did not work for me either, and I was in over ten of them. One of the things that intrigued me with GPG is that they claimed it was NOT MLM. This is true, GPG is NOT MLM, it is worse. After listening to the 3 minute recording, I was then called by Jason Cox of Florida, my director. He called and said that since I had left my name and number he wanted to “put me through the system”. He did exactly that. We went to several recorded calls, three-wayed me to several of his associates, and finally, he went in for the kill. He made his close on me, and like I said, I was looking for something better than construction work, and Jason Cox seemed to know just what I was looking for. Needless to say, I agreed to come into GPG in the G1 associate level. Within one week, I had talked enough of my friends into getting in as well, that I soon became a G1 Director. This was to be my big selling point when I started marketing to an audience that were not my friends. It worked, and for a few months I was making about one sale a week to complete strangers that I returned their calls from where they received my postcards, and called to hear my three minute message. You see, this is a vicious cycle. You get screwed unknowingly, then you start unknowingly screw others in the same manner. At this point, I truly believed in what I was doing, and believed in the product. I started to question some of the integrity of the program when my director, Jason Cox, offered my a G2 associate position for the reduced cost of $3,500. It turned out that he was wanting to buy an Acura Legend (used) that he had had his eye on. It seemed weird to me that if my director was doing as well as he told me, that he was hurting to buy a used car to the point to discount the G2 position by almost ½. I questioned him on this, and he as usual had great excuses. I did not take him up on his offer, but seriously considered it. The fact of the matter was that I simply could not afford to go G2, and also pay my outrageous long distance telephone bill, order more postcards, and pay my regular bills. Some months, my telephone bill would be over $2,000, and I would be ordering 1,000 or 2,000 postcards a week. This is what the upper members of GPG told us over and over to so. This is because those upper members owned the long distance company, postcard company, lead company, the access to the recorded calls and live calls, and many other things that they pushed forus to use. As November was approaching, Jason Cox started pushing hard for me and several of my friends that I had talked into this thing, to go G2. He told us that we would learn at the G2 meeting in Aruba the things that were holding us back from making the big money. So, we signed up for G2.

We went to Aruba in November of 1997 as G2 associates. Upon arrival, we met our director, Jason Cox, for the first time. From the beginning, my friends and I wondered about the shady types that we were hanging out with. Jason Cox, and the people that he introduced us to seemed like opportunists, but again, we fooled ourselves into believing that his was the way to live. We went to the meetings throughout the event, and we were all impressed with what we heard. There again, this is a group of people that are hearing exactly what they wanted to hear from people that appeared to rolling in the big bucks, not paying any taxes, and living the good life. All of this was nothing but the veneer that we all were too ashamed to admit that it was.

I met David Struckman the first night of the event in Aruba. This was at the introduction/cocktail party out by the pool at our hotel, the Wyndham. Everything at this party was complimentary, food, drinks, everything. David Struckman, upon first meeting him was a very dynamic quick-witted person. He seemed to be a mover and a shaker. Turns out that he really is a mover and a shaker in the sense that he has to continuously be on the move to avoid prosecution, and death threats from the people that he has ripped off! My wife and I had a good time at the party, and we met most of the Council members. Jason Cox did all that he could to show us that he was connected, and that through him, we too were connected. There were four couples of us, from my circle of friends that attended this event, and we all were duped into the mentality portrayed at the G2 event. I think the deception is as much a part of the problem that I have with GPG as the money. This deception went on throughout the Aruba event.

After we returned home, Jason Cox kept on us to sell, sell, sell. He wanted to push us to attempt to sell people into the Premier package, going G2 from the start. We all started to work even harder, and spent even more on the services offered from the fulfillment center, which made Dave, Dan & Zo even more money. Some of my G2 friends even invested in the Arcadia Fund, a fund created by a queer named Ian Renert, that is supposed to be a guru on international bank debentures. He may be, but this is July of 2001, and I do not know of anyone making any money on their investments with Ian, or even being able to get their money back. Well, this leads me to attempt to sell more people into the Premier packages, which by the way pays quite handsomely! I sold a few of the Premier packages, and talked a few people into going with me to the Cancun event in February of 1998. One of the people I talked out of the $6,750 was my father. I could not believe that my father, who I had looked up to and respected his financial decisions my whole life, was now taking advice from me! Boy, he should have never have listened to me. He nor I realized that I was under the hypnotic effect of GPG and was not thinking straight.

At any rate, we went to Cancun, Mexico in February of 1998. At this time I had just lost my job in construction, and while we were in Cancun, I let the GPG people talk me into going full-time with GPG. I did not realize at the time that they were just setting me up to go G3, which would mean another $18,000 in someone's pocket. Luckily, I did NOT go G3. Cancun was a good event, as was Aruba, but this time, I was the one introducing my father to these crooks, and showing my father how well I was connected, and he was connected through me. Well, it must have impressed him. My father invested some of his retirement money into the Arcadia Fund with Ian Renert. It was at this time GPG was going through some power struggles, and a guy named Greg, (I can't remember his last name) headed up our group, the Infinity Group. He even had shirts printed for us. (Sounds neat, huh?) Well, these groups led to an almost complete downfall of GPG as we knew it. All of the Council members had their groups, and wanted to do things their way. Dan Anderson’s marriage was falling apart from him messing around on his wife in Aruba, and she did not even show up for Cancun. Dave Struckman’s wife Laura reportedly left him after the Cancun event, because of Dave screwing around with a little gal named Tracy. And remember, this business, GPG, is based upon Christian principals, and supposedly follows the Bible all the way. This simply is not true! At the events, there is excessive drug use, sleeping around as if marriage was an unheard of concept, financial deals being made that were clearly unscrupulous, gambling, drinking all hours of the day and night. Now, I can say that I did not participate in all of this carnage, but I enjoyed my share! After the Cancun event, I decided that as a full-time GPG G2 director, I should step up the pace, so I increased my efforts, and my purchases of leads, postcards, etc.. This did nothing but put me into the “DEATH SPIRAL”. If you haven't heard of this, it is when you get financially upside down due to overspending on your business, with not enough return through sales. I eventually borrowed enough money, believe it or not from some of those G2’s I signed up, to get me out of GPG, and back on my feet.

Since GPG, Jason Cox, and several others from GPG have contacted me to attempt to get me into another of their programs such as “gifting programs"” or money games. These too, are nothing more than scams. Anyone reading this should take heed, and avoid any of these programs. Keep your money in your pocket, or go buy yourself something nice, or go get drunk and spend it all on strangers, but do NOT sign up with GPG, or anything like it, or you will remember this letter, after you realize that you have been ripped off, and want to kick your own tail for not listening!

I hope this story keeps one person from signing up with IGP, then my time for typing this will not have been wasted!


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Last updated July 30, 2001