Rebecca's Global Prosperity Story
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I moved here in 1997 from Australia. I had the proceeds of the house that I sold there. I had a medical emergency with no insurance here in the states. I got a post card in the mail, I rang it just mostly out of curiosity. I was in a total panic about money. I spoke to a most sincere sounding person about global and the money that could be made. I made it clear to him that I had just suffered a medical condition and had baby twins to look after, that I am shy and don't like cold calling, and found out later that I couldn't understand many of the people I called nor could they understand me. He sweated us unbelievably to buy these tapes. Of course we could make neither heads nor tails out of what the hell they were about.The thing that got us was he put us on a conference call with a so-called Aussie woman. My husband said later he thought her accent sounded fake. I tried it, was able to sell nothing. Finally I put a call block on my phone so this Bruce couldn't reach me anymore, problem is, I met a really nice woman who lived in Eugene that was leaving global to do this other thing called "the train". You bought a place in it for $340.00 and were supposed to get some kind of a huge return. Turns out the people who were handling it absconded with all the money. I heard elderly people on the conference call crying because they had spent their life savings on this. I am a dental professional and not stupid, I cannot believe I got caught up in something like this. When they started bugging me to solicit my colleagues to set up trusts, I quit answering any calls.I still have many personal home numbers of these "directors" and would dearly love to see them in jail. I tried to find a site where I could report this but couldn't. I shall find one on this site and give them these home numbers and addresses. I made the money back more than 10 times on the stock market, thank god.


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Last updated June 13, 2001