[ This is intended as a sub-page of the Life Extension Society, the east coast cryonics group, at http://keithlynch.net/les/ ] THE LIFE EXTENSION SOCIETY FROZEN IN TIME You want to live a long, healthy life. You try to take care of yourself. But even that's not enough. You don't want to die, period. If you have to die, you want the chance to be like those people in the science fiction stories who wake from frozen sleep, rejuvenated. Over 400 people in the United States have acted on this desire. They have signed up with one of four national, non-profit organizations for cryonic suspension -- preservation at ultra-low temperature upon their legal deaths in the hope that some day they will be restored to life and health. Over 40 have been cryogenically preserved already. Cryonics is life extension of last resort. Researchers in biology, medicine, and nanotechnology are striving to perfect the science of low-temperature preservation and restoration. While this work continues and membership grows, cryonicists across the country are organizing to improve their chances for survival. Dozens of signed-up cryonicists live in the Mid-Atlantic. The Cryonics Society of New York has been in operation since the 1980's. The Life Extension Society was organized in December, 1992, and now has 14 members from the Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia areas. New groups are being organized in Pittsburgh, Boston, and elsewhere. Members of these groups share information about life extension and anti-aging medicine and help one another to understand cryonics and to sign up for cryo-preservation. They share the effort to develop local, rapid-response cryonic "stabilization" equipment and training to protect signed-up members who die unexpectedly, before the national organization's emergency team arrives. These people save one another's lives. The Life Extension Society is working to bring rapid-response cryonics capabilities to Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia. I urge you to become a member of the Life Extension Society. Annual membership contributions are $60.00 per year. A portion of your contribution will pay for a one-year subscription to the Life Extension Society News. The remainder represents one small step closer to saving lives. Thank you. Mark W. Mugler President A Not-for-Profit Maryland Corporation, Incorporated 1992 990 N. Powhatan St., Arlington, VA 22205