Meeting of August 3, 1979 at Gilliland's
Tom Schaad presiding.
In attendance:
Rosa Oliver, V.P., Joe Mayhew, Sec., Bill Berg, Treas., Alexis
Gilliland, Trust., Alan Huff, Trust., Chris Callahan, Trust.
Linda Melnick, Donald Link, Tom Whitmore, Dave Hastie, Kent Bloom,
Mike Walsh, Walter Miles, John Epperson, Lisa Peoples, Jane Woodward,
Morgan Woodward, Marianne Petrino, Janet Prato, Beverly Brandt, Bob
Oliver, Mike Miller, Bob Martinez, John Novak, Dan Joy, Barry Newton,
Judy Newton, Mark Owings, Judy Fetter, Richard Thompson, Dick Roepke,
Bob Lovell, Fran Buhman, Charles Gilliland, Steve Smith, Irene
Roberts, Ginny McNitt, Dave Weems, Jack Chalker, Eva Whitley, Regina
Cohen, Denny Carroll, Doll Gilliland, John Sapienza, Wendy Lindboe,
Sue Wheeler, Kathy Sands, Leo Sands, Nancy Handwork (40)
The meeting was called to order at 9:18. The minutes of the July 6th meeting were read and approved. The meeting held at Unicon did not achieve a quorum, no minutes were taken and no business could be conducted. The Treasurer reported a treasury balance of $1,057.85.
The following have joined W.S.F.A.:
Jane Woodward (reg.)The list of paid-up members was read.
Bruce Dixon (reg.)
Martin Wooster (reg.)
Doug Faunt. (Corres.)
Doll suggested that she might look into a club film party for DRACULA.
The Crystal City Marriott has offered a flat $29.00 room rate (the rooms are mostly twin doubles) it has an eccentric swimming pool and many other fannish features. Tom Schaad polled those present as to whether he ought to book the Crystal Marriott for our February 28, 1980 DATCLAVE. The response was unanimous and enthusiastically in favor of it. Tom authorized Doll Gilliland and Kent Bloom to negotiate with that hotel for WSFA's DATCLAVE.
DC IN 84
A Bid Committee meeting was announced for after the WSFA meeting. To be discussed: The proposed Area Wide Bid for a Baltimore based convention to be held in 1983, in the event that the rotation change fell through.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 (37 minutes.)
Meeting of August 17, 1979 at Oliver's,
Tom Schaad presiding.
In attendance:
Rosa Oliver, V.P., Joe Mayhew, Sec., Alan Huff, Trust., Chris Callahan, Trust., Jane Woodward, Morgan Woodward, Sharon Harris, Michael Harris, John Epperson, Bob Oliver, John Novak, Walter Miles, Ginny McNitt, Linda Melnick, Dick Roepke, Steve Smith, Lisa Peoples, Lee Smoire, Scott Dennis, Bob Lovell, Steve Stiles, Ben Miller, Georgia Miller, Charlie Ellis, Pat Kelly, Phil Cox, Nancy Handwork, John Ellis, Kim Weston (30)
The meeting was called to order at 9:08. The minutes of August 3 were read and approved. The treasurer was absent and had left no report.
Dick Roepke brought some home-made ice cream for after the meeting.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: ALAN HUFF announced his LANDCON To be held at his place; all were invited.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:21 -(13 minutes!)
Meeting of September 7, 1979 at Gillilands.
Tom Schaad presiding.
In attendance:
Rosa Oliver, V.P., Joe Mayhew, Sec., Bill Berg, Treas., Alan Huff,
Trust., Alexis Gilliland, Trust., Chris Callahan, Trust.
Walter Miles, Larry Herman, Michael Harris, Bob Oliver, Marianne
Petrino, Victoria Smith, Dave Hastie, Janet Prato, Beverly Brandt, Tom
Whitmore, Suzanne Kerry, John Epperson, Sharon Harris, Mark Owings,
Doll Gilliland, Ken Eymann, Heather Holmes, Linda Melnick, Somtow
Sucharitkul, Fran Buhman, Charles Gilliland, Elaine Normandy, Kent
Bloom, Dick Roepke, Linda Sweeting, Thaddeus Beier, Beth Goetz,
Abraham Friedman, Scott Dennis, Bob Lovell, Mike Walsh, Lee Smoire,
Ginny McNitt, Bill Marlow, Phil Cox, Nancy Handwork, Sue Wheeler,
Pat Kelly, John Ellis, Kathy Sands, Leo Sands (47)
The meeting was called to order at 9:20. The minutes of August 17 were read and approved. The Treasury stood at $977.77 (The 1978 Disclave money had not yet been deposited. According to Alan Huff there would be around $2,900.00 to add)
MEMBERSHIP: Dick Jones joined at the August 3 meeting. He was absent.
Recent addresses will be printed in this WJ.
Somtow Sucharitkul resigned as editor of the W.S.F.A. JOURNAL, due to the pressures of his burgeoning career as a S.F. Writer. Joe Mayhew will assume Editorial Function for the nonce.
Doll announced that her annual Halloween Party would take place on Saturday, October 27, 1979.
DC IN 84
MIKE WALSH announced the demise of the DC in 84 bid, due to the failure of the Con rotation proposal. There would be a post-mortem meeting, to discuss the possible transfer of the money, etc to the as yet un-named bid for Baltimore in 83, backed by many WSFans, BSFans, Uniconers, etc.
Dissension over the name of this event was put to rest by the president, who polled the meeting for their preference. The vast majority preferred DATCLAVE. Kent Bloom suggested that the former presidents of WSFA be each given a free member8hip to DATCLAVE. Tom Schaad polled the membership and they were in agreement, and has decided to do so. This would include: Bill Berg, George Scithers, Banks Mebane, Bob Pavlat, Jay Haldeman, Alexis Gilliland, John Huff, and and other presidents of WSFA.
Tom reported that the Sheraton Park would be asking for a $55.00 single room fee and wanted a guaranteed room-night figure and therefore did not seem a good bet for the 1980 convention. The Shoreham Americana is already booked. Joe Mayhew, Tom, and Doll Gilliland have investigated other possibilities and the best bet seems to be the Crystal City Marriott, which is offering $34.00 single, $39.00 double. However limited convention space is a factor and we would have to make unusual Huxter arrangements such as having the Huxters sell out of their rooms, which would be booked in block.
A meeting of the 83 Area bid Committee will be held on Saturday, September 22, at 2:00 PM at Tim Tarrants (301) 262-9094 house: [censored], Bowie, Maryland. Maps were passed out.
Joe Mayhew will be staging his TROLLOGY at Balticon 14. He is now casting parts (16).
Linda Melnick announced that this would be her last meeting tor a while as she would be appearing at the Burn Brae Dinner Theater in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF.
See Pat Kelly if you're interested in a LaunchCon.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 (55 minutes)
Victoria A. Smith
Fairfax, Va. 22030
(703) 978-1097
Linda Sweeting
Greenbelt, Md. 20770
(301) 345-4762
April Barber
Silver Spring, Md. 21144
(301) 551-8357
Beth Goetz
Falls Church, Va. 22046
(703) 534-1763
Abraham Friedman
Arlington, Va. 22204
(703) 920-4788
C.R.(Dick) Jones
Alexandria, Va. 22312
(703) 750-2392
Jane & Morgan Woodward
Laurel, Md. 20811
(301) 776-2048
Bruce Dixon
Bethesda, Md. 20014
(301) 550-0484
Doug Faunt
P.O.B. 60116
Sunnyvale, Calif 94086
Martin Wooster
8807 Mead St.
Bethesda, Md. 20034
(301) 588-3124
Nick Loter
Alexandria, Va.
(703) 768-2580
Linda Melnick
College Park, Md. 20740
(301) 779-4672
Dick and Jane Preston
Vienna, Va. 22180
(703) 281-2711
THE MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING OF WSFA AS OF 092079. If your name is not on this list, the Treasurer doesn't think you have paid your dues.
Bobby Baum
Bill Berg
Kent Bloom
Beverly Brandt
Fran Buhman
Chris Callahan
Denny Carroll
J. Cox
Phil Cox
Scott Dennis
John Ellis
John Epperson
Alexis Gilliland
Doll Gilliland
Nancy Handwork
Sharon Harris
Michael Harris
Dave Hastie
Jack Heneghan
Kleeo Hondros
Alan Huff
Suzanne Kerry
Suzie Koon
Jack Lechler
Bob Lovell
Bill Marlow
Ginny McNitt
Barry Newton
Judy Newton
Elaine Normandy
Joseph Mayhew
Rosa Oliver
Bob Oliver
Don Pauley
Lisa Peoples
Marianne Petrino
Dick Preston
Jane Preston
Dick Roepke
Tom Schaad
Charles Sheffield
Victoria Smith
Stephanie Spearman
Paavo St. Dennis
Mike Tuchman
Dave Weems
Sue Wheeler
Dick Jones
Beth Goetz
Abraham Friedman
April Barber
Linda Sweeting.
Transactions of the WSFA Treasury from May 1 through Sept 1, 1979.
BALANCE AS OF MAY 1, 1979: $1,915.54
May 4, 1979
OUTGO: Food & Beverages (F&B) to Bill Berg $50.00
May 18, 1979
OUTGO: DISCLAVE: (from special reserved funds) To Alan Huff for general
purposes $450.00. To Joe Mayhew for Disclave awards (4 mugs) $45.00
OUTGO: GENERAL: To Joe Mayhew for postage of the WSFA Journal $10.05
To S. Sucharitkul for Journal printing: $21.84
June 1, 1979
INCOME: DUES: $13.00
OUTGO: To A. Gilliland for F&B $35.00. To Avedon for postage of #
7 & 8 of the Invisible Fan.
June 15, 1979
INCOME: DUES: $15.00.
OUTGO: To B.Berg for F&B: $55.00. To S. Sucharitkul for Journal
printing, $13.45.
July 6, 1979
INCOME: DUES: $10.00
OUTGO: To A. Gilliland $90.23 for F&B (Meeting & 4 July
Picnic) To R. Lovell for 5th Friday party F&B: $50.00
MORE INCOME: Interest from Savings Account $12.66.
August 3, 1979
INCOME: DUES: $10.00
OUTGO: To A. Gilliland for F&B: $40.23. To R. Oliver for F&B, $50.00.
TOTAL OUTGO: $1,010.50
BALANCE AS OF 090179: $977.62
Figures supplied by Bill Berg, WSFA Treasurer.
The WSFA JOURNAL will try to come out for the second regular meeting of each month, i.e. the third Friday. It will continue to publish the minutes, treasury activity and other official club information. Some of that is necessarily dull. Yea, even boring.
But I want the JOURNAL to be of interest, not only to fannish archeologists, but to some of the people who it is designed for. So, I am soliciting material. I will not publish fiction. I will not delay the publication for anything. There will continue to be four pages and no more but I'd like to fill them with interesting things. In the past we've published cartoons, fanac reports, reviews of books and movies, convention information and post-mortems. I'd like to cover up-coming events and more news of the fannish world. But all of that depends on you. My ideas, while brilliant and even staggering, aren't the only ones I'll print. If you disagree with anything in the journal and wish to rebut it, put your ideas in writing (brevity is next to godliness) and we'll try to print them. My Old wide-mouthed Underwood doesn't make as clean copy as Somtow's IBM Selectric. Is there something better available? Who'll help?
This space could have been filled with some exciting stuff of yours!
THE WSFA JOURNAL is the newsletter of the Washington Science-Fiction
Editor: Joe Mayhew
6000 67th AVE Apt 104
E. Riverdale, Md. 20840
DREAMSNAKE - Vonda McIntyre
HUNTER'S MOON - Poul Anderson
CASSANDRA - C.J. Cherryh
Ben Bova
Vincent DiFate
Bob Shaw
Bill Rotsler
Ursula K. LeGuin
Stephen Donaldson