The WSFA Journal


NOVEMBER 1981                               VOL. 5 NO. 6




At Gillilands', Rosa Oliver presiding. The meeting was called to order at 9:20 PM. A motion to adjourn was seconded and passed, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:20.30.


At Gillilands', Rosa Oliver presiding. The meeting was called to order at 9:22 PM. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasury stood at $9,100.99.


PUBLICATIONS - The October Journal was distributed. The next Journal will be an address list for paid-up members.

ENTERTAINMENT - There is a Siamese cat in the house. Films were shown after the meeting, including a pencil test never used in Snow White. There was a new soft drink, "Ironbeer." Ron Bounds was at the meeting and was shouted into paying his dues.

CAPICON - We will be setting up a contract with Hojo's.




  1. Newton Ewell was present.
  2. Joe Mayhew will be editing WSFA's zine and welcomes helpers. There will be no fiction and no reviews.
  3. Joe Mayhew has an obscene song and a new chess set.
  4. Lee has moved into Mike Walsh's old apartment (Mike has moved to Smof Central). The Aussie agent for ConStellation was present.
  5. Smof Central has a phone.
  6. Tom and Marianne have a new cat and have joined a cat club, which is holding a raffle for a quarter of beef.
  7. The perfect Christmas gift is a 50th anniversary electronic quartz crystal Dick Tracy watch with various scenes for $29.95.
  8. The world's leading feminist sado-masochist is speaking next week.
  9. A Dick Tracy movie is being made with Clint Eastwood.
  10. Bob Oliver needs help for the art shows at Worlds Beyond and ConStellation.
  11. MASC is planning a trip to the shuttle launch.
  12. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory may be voted out of existence as part of the budget cuts.
  13. Jack Heneghan and Elaine Normandy will host the Fifth Friday party. Jack will have maps at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:53 PM.


At Olivers', Rosa Oliver presiding. The Meeting was called to order at 9:19 PM. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasury stood at $8,958.93. We bought 17 cases of beer and soda from Worlds Beyond's con suite.


MEMBERSHIP - Two new members were taken in - Gail Pittaway and Barbara Jackson.

CAPICON - We're meeting with the hotel folks next week.

DISCLAVE 83 - We'll be in the Twin Bridges Marriott. Start thinking about Guest of Honor.

ENTERTAINMENT - The Halloween Party will be Oct. 31 at Gillilands'. An Aussie film (take-off on 2001) was shown after the meeting.

OLD BUSINESS - Jack distributed maps for the Fifth Friday party.

NEW BUSINESS - We should consider incorporating.


  1. The Air and Space Museum will run more science fiction movies this winter.
  2. AFI is running a special horror double feature on Halloween.
  3. Tom Schaad had raffle tickets for the beef - the drawing is December 5.
  4. Lee has a job (minimum wage) at a travel agency; she would like to help anyone planning to travel.
  5. The State Department book sale is on.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:41 PM.

WSFAn Kleeo Hondros died on October 18. She had been around local fandom since the late 1960s, and was a member of WSFA, BSFS, and the Potomac River Science Fiction Association. Kleeo worked at American University.


The WSFA Journal is the oafish publication of the Washington Science Fiction Association. Editor-in-chief: Jane Wagner, 1000 6th St. SW #312 Washington, DC 20024 (202) 554-2730. Assistant Editor: Joe Mayhew.


Forrest J Ackerman           Sandy Brown                  Scott Dennis
2495 Glendower Ave.          [censored]                   604 Reservoir St.
Hollywood, CA 90027          Upper Marlboro, MD 20070     Baltimore, MD 21217
(213) MOON FAN               (301) 868-6903               (301) 523-5286

Jerry Ackerman               Randall Brunk                Chick Derry
[censored]                   [censored]                   6813 3rd St.
Silver Spring, MD 20910      Glendale, MD 20769           Riverdale, MD 20840
(301) 588-2952               (301) 262-2445               (301) 474-8071

F.L.ASH                      Heather Bryden               Joanna/Wayne Dionne
Box 2146                     [censored]                   [censored]
Alexandria, VA 22301         Falls Church, VA 22041       Camp Springs, MD 20744
                             (703) 671-5693               (301) 248-5566
Shirley Avery
[censored]                   Fran Buhman                  John Ellis
Laurel, MD 20011             [censored]                   [censored]
(301) 776-1165               Alexandria, VA 22311         Arlington, VA 22204
                             (703) 820-2652               (703) 979-1397
Barbara Barron
[censored]                   Sheila Bulak                 Newton Ewell
Albany, NY 12209             [censored]                   [censored]
(518) 463-7500               Rockville, MD 20853          Oxon Hill, MD 20022
                             (301) 929-1423               (301) 567-6965
Mike Bartman
[censored]                   Chris Callahan               Judy Fetter
Bethesda, MD 20014           [censored]                   [censored]
(301) 530-8720               Berwyn Heights, MD 20740     Arlington, VA 22201
                             (301) 474-0549               (703) 841-9670
Bobby Baum
[censored]                   Avedon Carol                 Abraham Friedman
Bethesda, MD 20017           4409 Woodfield Rd.           [censored]
(301) 229-6475               Kensington, MD 20895         Arlington, VA 22204
                             (301) 946-2868               (703) 920-4787
Sally J. Bensusen
[censored]                   Ellen Caswell                Donna Gause
Lanham, MD 20706             [censored]                   [censored]
(301) 577-8527               Silver Spring, MD 20910      Baltimore, MD 21239
                             (301) 585-0529               (301) 377-8878
Lou Benzino
[censored]                   Jack Chalker                 Joe Giaquinto
Forestville, MD 20028        [censored]                   [censored]
(301) 735-9296               Manchester, MD 21102         Union City, NJ 07017
                             (301) 239-8999               (201) 866-1219
Bill Berg
2131 Keating St.             Tim Childers                 Alexis/Doll/Charles Gilliland
Temple Hill, MD 20748        Box 2283                     [censored]
(301) 894-8048               Ft. Meade, MD 20755          Arlington, VA 22204
                             (301) 796-6843               (703) 920-6087
Jeff Berman
[censored]                   Robert J. Clifford           Craig/Marsha Glassner
Vienna, VA 22180             [censored]                   [censored]
(703) 281-4663               Dunbar, WV 25064             Silver Spring, MD 20910
                                                          (301) 585-3880
Donald J. Bieniewicz         Regina Cohen
[censored]                   [censored]                   Beth Goetz
Vienna, VA 22180             Alexandria, VA 22303         [censored]
(703) 938-4509               (703) 960-6938               Arlington, VA 22201
                                                          (703) 525-7347
Kent Bloom                   Jan/Phil Cox
338 N St. S.W.               [censored]                   Geoffrey L. Gould
Washington, DC 20024         Falls Church, VA 22042       [censored]
(202) 554-2661               (703) 532-0420               Montclair, NJ

Ron Bounds                   Nancy Damren                 Nancy Handwork
[censored]                   [censored]                   [censored]
Gardena, CA 90249            Alexandria, VA 22301         Fairfax. VA 22030
(213) 970-0046               (703) 836-2670               (703) 273-3879

Bev Brandt                   Avery Davis                  Michael/Sharon Harris
3326 Lauriston Pl.           [censored]                   [censored]
Fairfax, VA 22031            Atlanta, GA 30309            Haymarket, VA 22069
(703) 573-8230               (404) 351-1178               (703) 754-8814

David Hastie                 Ron Leonard                  Elaine Normandy
[censored]                   [censored]                   [censored]
Alexandria, VA 22307         Hyattsville, MD 20781        Silver Spring, MD 20903
(703) 768-6837               (301) 864-8529               (301) 445-0466

Jack Heneghan                Getty Letteney               John Novak
8406 11th Ave.               [censored]                   [censored]
Silver Spring, MD 20903      Manassas, VA 22110           St. Louis, MO 63119
(301) 445-0466               (703) 368-5478               (314) 644-3078

Don Hensley                  Douglas Lewis                Jul Ochs
[censored]                   [censored]                   [censored]
Goldsboro, NC 27530          Silver Spring, MD 20910      Baltimore, MD 21211
                             (301) 587-0810               (301) 889-2406
Kleeo Hondros
P.O. Box 386                 David Lindsay                Bob/Rosa Oliver
Bladensburg, MD 20710        [censored]                   9408 Michael Dr.
(301) 864-9339               Alexandria, VA 22310         Clinton,MD 20735
                                                          (301) 868-7940
Alan Huff                    Bob Lovell
9606 Dilston Rd.             604 Reservoir St.            Mark Owings
Silver Spring, MD 20903      Baltimore, MD 21217          9606 Dilston Rd.
(301) 439-2952               (301) 523-5286               Silver Spring, MD 20903
                                                          (301) 439-2952
Kim Hutchinson               Bob MacIntosh
[censored]                   4163 -103 S.Four Mile Run Dr.Bob Pavlat
Lanham, MD 20706             Arlington, VA 22204          5709 Goucher Dr.
(301) 577-8527               (703) 920-3893               College Park, MD 20740
                                                          (301) 345-6652
Barbara Jackson              Bob Madle
[censored]                   [censored]                   Frank Pellegrino
Annandale, VA 22003          Rockville, MD 20853          [censored]
(703) 941-4751               (301) 460-4712               Bethesda, MD 20814
                                                          (301) 530-8648
William Jensen               Bill Mayhew
[censored]                   65-C Ridge Rd.               Lisa Peoples
Greenbelt, MD 20770          Greenbelt, MD 20770          c/o Sowizral
(301) 345-7420               (301) 474-0955               [censored]
                                                          Endicott, NY 13760
Patrick Jones                Joe Mayhew
[censored]                   6000 67th Ave. Apt. 104      Marianne Petrino-Schaad
Silver Spring, MD 20903      E. Riverdale, MD 20737       [censored]
(301) 431-4865               (301) 459-5634               Arlington, VA 22204
                                                          (703) 979-9478
Judith Judson                Laura McNeill
[censored]                   [censored]                   Gail Pittaway
Alexandria, VA 22311         Arlington, VA 22207          [censored]
(703) 931-5149               (703) 522-4596               Seabrook, MD 20706
                                                          (301) 794-8793
David J. Kaplan              Ginny McNitt
[censored]                   [censored]                   Rebecca Prather
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403       Bethesda, MD 20814           [censored]
(201) 838-6821               (301) 652-2245               Falls Church, VA 22042
                                                          (703) 534-2274
Pat Kelly                    Lima Melnick
3309 Taney Rd.               [censored]                   Dick/Janice Preston
Baltimore, MD 21215          Beltsville, MD 20705         [censored]
(301) 764-0678               (301) 937-8426               Vienna, VA 22180
                                                          (703) 281-2711
Suzanne Kerry                Walter Miles
[censored]                   12802 Atlantic Ave.          James Quinn
Falls Church, VA 22043       Rockville, MD 20051          [censored]
(703) 698-0477               (301) 984-5969               Herndon, VA 22070
                                                          (703) 471-5836
Annette/Mark Klause          Mary Morman
[censored]                   338 N St. S.W.               Warren Rodgers
Takoma Park, MD 20012        Washington, DC 20024         [censored]
(301) 891-3559               (202) 554-2661               New York, NY 10014
                                                          (212) 942-8818
Suzi Koon                    Mimi Newcastle
[censored]                   [censored]                   Dick Roepke
Alexandria, VA 22312         Fort Washington, MD 20744    [censored]
                             (301) 248-6736               Berwyn Heights, MD 20740
Mike Kozlowski                                            (301) 474-0549
[censored]                   Barry/Judy Newton
Silver Spring, MD 20903      P.O. Box 153                 Ted Rosenberg
(301) 431-4865               Sandy Spring, MD 20860       [censored]
                                                          Baltimore, MD 21207
                                                          (301) 448-3134

Cathy/Leo Sands              Linda Sweeting
[censored]                   [censored]
Baltimore, MD 21218          Greenbelt, MD 20770
(301) 467-1268               (301) 345-4762

John Sapienza                Tom Sweeting
2440 Virginia Ave. N.W. Apt. [censored]
Washington, DC 20037         Clinton, MD 20735
(202) 659-2147               (301) 868-4123

Tom Schaad                   Michael Thompson
[censored]                   P.O. Box 347
Arlington, VA 22204          Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060
(703) 979-9478               (703) 781-4554

Jeff Schalles                Mike Tuchman
[censored]                   [censored]
Silver Spring, MD 20901      Alexandria, VA 22314
(301) 588-0416               (703) 836-8957

Liz Sharpe                   James Turner
[censored]                   [censored]
Bethesda, MD 20816           Arlington, VA 22209
(301) 229-7721
                             Chris Valada
Charles Sheffield            [censored]
6812 Wilson Lane             Vienna, VA 22180
Bethesda, MD 20034           (703) 938-4509

Ida Simmons                  Jane Wagner
[censored]                   1000 6th St. S.W. #312
Springfield VA 22752         Washington, DC 20024
(703) 457-6006               (202) 554-2730

Nancy Sitton                 Mike Walsh
[censored]                   604 Reservoir St.
Arlington, VA 22205          Baltimore, MD 21217
(703) 533-8368               (301) 523-5286

Steve Smith                  Dalroy Ward
4841B S. 28th St.            [censored]
Arlington, VA 22206          Arlington, VA 22206
(703) 931-0934               (703) 979-1397

Victoria Smith               David Weems
4500 Pohick Lane, Apt. G-203 [censored]
Fairfax, VA 22030            Fairfax, VA 22036
(703) 978-1008               (703) 573-7224

Lee Smoire                   Letitia C. Wells
115 W. 29th St.              [censored]
Baltimore, MD 21218          Bethesda, MD 20817
(301) 366-4794               (301) 229-0905

Craig Stanfill               Kim Weston
[censored]                   [censored]
College Park, MD 20740       Baltimore, MD 21229
(301) 864-8376               (301) 644-4446

Laura Stewart                Eva Whitley
[censored]                   [censored]
Clinton, MD 20735            Manchester, MD 21102
(301) 868-6362               (301) 239-8999

Steve/Elaine Stiles          Suzanne/Robert Winfield
[censored]                   [censored]
Baltimore, MD 21211          Gaithersburg, MD 20877
(301) 889-2406               (301) 977-9341

Carole Anne Stoddard         Sgt. Morgan/Jane Woodward
[censored]                   POB 1901 OPS Co. TORII STATION
Riviera Beach, FL 33404      USAFSO APO SF 96331

Somtow Sucharitkul           Martin Wooster
16 Ancell St.                [censored]
Alexandria, VA 22305         Silver Spring, MD 20910
(703) 548-4117               (301) 565-2267


For everyone who is as lost in the metric system as I am, here's a set of conversion factors that might help (although I doubt it).

Number ofMultiply byEquals Number of
sq. inches6.5sq. centimeters
sq. feet0.09sq. meters
sq. yards0.8sq. meters
sq. miles0.4sq. kilometers
short tons (2000 lbs.)0.9metric tons
cubic inches16milliliters
fluid ounces30milliliters
cubic feet0.03cubic meters
cubic yards0.76cubic meters
inches of mercury3.4kilopascals
pounds per sq. inch6.9kilopascals
degrees Fahrenheit5/9 after subtracting 32degrees Celsius