At Gilliland's, Walter Miles presiding. The meeting was called to order at 9:20 pm. The minutes were approved as read. The belated treasurer's report was $6,612.49.
CAPICON-We have a letter of agreement. We may be premiering a 1960 movie.
PUBLICATIONS-We need articles and artwork for the Journal.
ENTERTAINMENT-Food and poker. The life on Earth TV series is recommended.
DISCLAVE-We have the flyers, envelopes and hotel cards. We have sold 21 hucksters tables out of 70. Joe Mayhew will do the program book. Help stuff the envelopes.
Mary Morman will head the committee to set up the phone network.
Lee is trying to set up group flights for Chicon. See her.
1 - Ray Bradbury will speak at the Coolidge Auditorium, Library of Congress; April 26, at 8 PM.
2 - Marie Siefring asked for help or suggestions. She represents a Maryland group holding a convention May 1-2 at Bowie High School. Call her at 772-5373. (Suggestions of "Don't do it!" were ignored).
3 - Michael Harris was recently certified. He is now insane a
Certified Professional Logistician.
4 - Mary Morman reports that Lisa Peoples has learned to drive. Also she is going to have her tubes tied and is having an un-baby shower.
S - Demonologists have taken over the unit pricing code.
6 - There will be a Constellation Corp. meeting at Capicon. You do not have to be a member of Capicon to attend.
7 - During the movie, "Pray TV" there was an 800 number flashed to call if you wanted to be saved. About 500,000 calls were placed to that non-existent number.
8 - We are well on the way to being W.S.F.A. Inc. Will that make us WSFAinks instead of WSFAns?
9 - Jane (Robin) and Woody Woodward say Hello.
10 - Jul Ochs and Mark Owings are getting married. The reception will be held at Capicon.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM.
************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ** ** ** The WSFA Journal is the official** ** ** **blot of the Washington Science ** ** ** **Fiction Association, Inc. ** ** ** ************************************* ************************************* *************************************
At the Oliver's, Rosa Oliver presiding. The meeting was called to
order at 9:13 pm. The minutes were waved waived because the Secretary
had them and was sick. Jul Ochs gave a short summary of the last
meeting From some notes she had. These minutes are brought to you by
Regina Cohen.
The treasury sits at $6,314.99. Check your dues status please.
CAPICON - Things will be starting about 6 pm, Friday. Lee and Jack would like some help setting up before hand. They may need some front money to rent the 1960 premier movie. The movie will hopefully be made up in registrations.
DISCLAVE 82 - Movies will exist.. and exist...and exist.
It was moved and seconded that WSFA put up the front money to rent the movie "The Time Machine" not to exceed $50. The motion passed.
1 - Jul Ochs and Mark Owings again invite all members of Capicon to their wedding reception to be held Friday night at Capicon.
2 - There will be a Constellation Corp. meeting sometime Saturday afternoon, at Capicon. Times will be posted and you do not have to be a member of Capicon to attend this meeting.
3- There will be a medievalist Arts and Crafts Fair Saturday Feb. 21 in the Student Center at PGCC from 10 AM - 6 PM.
4 - There are discount coupons available for use during Balticon
see Lee.
5 - Alexis has taken an early retirement from the government.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.
(Beethoven's 9th Symphony: Ode to Joy)
by Joe Mayhew
It's time someone started something
For our old adrenaline
We've grown sluggish and complacent
Wisfa needs a rousing fight.
Make up factions, accusations,
fling invective left and right
Smof wars keep us fans fanatic
for the WSFA meeting night
************************************************************ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ************************************************************
It is Hugo nomination time again and while you are considering it, consider the novels that have come out of WSFA in 1981:
Lilith by Jack Chalker
Starship and Haiku by Somtow Sucharitkul
Revolution from Rosinante and Long Shot for Rosinante by
Alexis Gilliland
Here is a plug for some of the WSFAns who might stand a very good chance
for nomination in the fan category, especially with your support:
Fan Writer - Avedon Carol
Fan Artist - Alexis Gilliland
Fan Artist - Steve Stiles
Remember, Alexis is eligible for the Campbell award since 1981 marked his debut as a fiction writer.
This letter is in response to the Round-to-Robin #15; written January 15th 1982.
Dear Jack and Eva,
Dear Sharon,
we are so sorry to hear about your brother. Glad that you are enjoying
the freelance work. Hope that you can do what you want to do. Send me
some photos of your work or something.
Dear Alexis,
Congratulations on your novel sales. We still have not seen the first
one. Maybe someday. The selection of S.F. on this island is not what
it is in the world. Are you going to keep working where you are now,
or retire and just write? (also draw). Let us know.
Dear Lynn,
Thanks for writing. We hope to meet you someday. What is your last name?
Dear Son, William the Silent,
Happy Birthday albeit a bit late. What school and which education? I
know you are silent, but please write to us anyway. OK? (Still a bit
on a R-T-R is considerably better than nothing.
Dear April,
Thanks for the compliment about the unicorns. I imagine that I will
keep painting them, but I won't be sending much stuff back for the
cons until I come home some time in 83.
Dear Rorik,
Glad to hear that Joanna is preggers again. Wish her well for both of
us. We are not (preggers) but are having lots of fun trying for it!
Will let you know as soon as. Congrats on the promotions too.
Dear Jane Wagner,
Howdy! We heard all about Hexacon. But still, even a bad con is
better than no con at all. Woody has not been to a con (or back to the
States) since Disclave 80. I am a little bit better off, since I got
back last year. But still...Hold the fort for us.
Dear Moose,
Too bad you missed the Hexacon Chair with that pie. From all I hear,
he needed it. We are having a drought around here. It rains almost
every day, but we are still on water rationing, 20 hours on and then
they turn it off for 28 hours. The bad part is that it goes on too
late for Woody to take a shower in the morning even on the days that
it is on.
Remember to think of your Pres when you throw out your trash. She is
a bag lady of sorts and collects Brand-Name trash, both for herself
and her son's school. Some of the needed items are:
BRISTOL MEYERS - Body on Tap, Tickle, Comtrex, Excedrin
CAREFREE GUM - outer wrapper
COLGATE-PALMOLIVE - toothpaste, Irish Spring wrapper, Dynamo, Fab box,
Ajax, Handi-Wipes
GOYA FOODS - can or label
KAL KAN - can labels, Mealtime dogfood bags
KELLOGG - Nutri-Grain cereal box
MAXWELL HOUSE - cans or caps
PEOPLES DRUG STORE - cash receipts
PERDUE CHICKEN - labels or tags
WOOLCO - Cash receipts and charge slips
CAMPBELL - all soup labels
LITTLE FRISKIES, CHEF'S BLEND & FISH AHOY - proof of purchase seals.
Are you planning to go to Chicon? Are you taking the kids? and your spouse? Then here is maybe some help. Republic Airlines and the Ralston-Purina Company have a free airfare certificate for any child 2-16 when traveling with a full fare paying adult. Send 5 Proof-of-Purchase seals from any Chex, or Honey Bran cereal and they will send you the certificate. The family plan qualifies. Airfare to Chicago is $354 for the 1st adult and the 2nd is $177. The child can fly free with that certificate. Check the specially marked cereal boxes. This offer is good until 11/15/82.
The WSFA Journal is normally produced and edited by Jane Wagner. Sometimes Joe Mayhew takes a hand in it. This Month's issue was aborted by both of them and produced by Rosa Oliver. Any complaints must go to her. The others are not responsible.
1 December 1981 - - - - $ 6357.78 Receipts - - - - - - - 485.65 subtotal - - - - - - 8843.43 Expenditures - - - - - 2423.33 1 March 1982- - - - - - $ 6419.99
These facts and figures have been foisted off on us by Bob Oliver. If you insist on a detailed breakdown-see him.
For every man, education should be a process which continues all his life. We have to abandon, as swiftly as possible, the idea that schooling is something restricted to youth. How can it be, in a world where half the things a man knows at 20 are no longer true at 40, and half the things he knows at 40 hadn't been discovered when he was 20?
WANTED - A job that allows for a flexible schedule and pays a decent
wage. I have a strong medical background and an old office background.
I can bring a quick mind and a willingness to learn. I am a good
teacher and am not afraid to handle almost any task. Answer to:
WSFA Box 181
C/O The WSFA Journal