Chez Gilliland, Rosa Oliver presiding. The meeting was grabbed by the throat and called to order at 9:06:57 PM. The minutes were amended to add "HA" after the White Hart item. The Treasury stood at $3,581.36.
ENTERTAINMENT: We were only able to get 20 Star Wars tickets, so the first 20 people on the list get them. After the meeting there will be an attempt to warble 2001. Night Beast will be shown tonight. The Empire Strikes Back will start on WETA Feb. 19. Help fold Disclave flyers!
DISCLAVE 83: It's all in the flyer. Memberships are $5 now. Joe wants help on Disclave Program Book.
OLD BUSINESS: Where is the money from Disclave '82? Should have about $3,000 coming - Eva is trying to get the time to write the refund checks - possibly get it the end of this month.
NEW BUSINESS: the thunder of silence.
The meeting died at 9:23:51.
Correction to Joe's minutes for the February 18 meeting - I don't know
where all the real fans were, but they were NOT at Boskone!!! There
were about 200 people you'd like to meet, and 2,400 nerds and media
freaks. Ick!!
Jul Owings ran a really nice D'Udderclave, and gets our undieting
gratitude for the WONDERFUL munchies in the con suite. The acid
bath jacuzzi leaves something to be desired...
The WSFA Journal masquerades as a serious publication of the Washington Science Fiction Assn.
The Washington Science Fiction Society meeting of February 18, 1983 was called to order by its President, Rosa B. Oliver (which, if you are nice to her, she will tell you the whole of her name, a concatenation of the San Juan phone book heaped upon her by well meaning ancestors) at 9:01 PM at Oliver House in Clinton, Maryland, the regular site for the scheduled 3rd Friday of the month WSFA meetings.
The Secretary, Jane Wagner, having suddenly been bit by the desperate need to attend Boskone, was absent and had called Joe Mayhew at about 6:00 on Friday Morning to ask him to take the minutes, but, as he did not have the previous meeting's minutes, they had to be postponed til some later date at which they could be waved about in print in the WSFA JOURNAL, The official organ, piano, or calliope of the club.
The Treasurer, "Bob" Oliver, as he is known to us, or "Paul" as he is known to the locksmiths and safe-crackers of the Washington Metropolitan Area, when asked by his inquisitive wife how the WSFA Treasury stood, reported that a balance of funds of $3,475.31 was available in the treasury. Various members were heard to remark that they would be most grateful to the Chalker-Whitley consortium when they bring the anticipated funds previously mentioned at various meetings in and deliver them to the Treasurer.
When Rosa called for Committee reports, she spoke up as Registrar of Disclave to inform us that less than 50 memberships had been sold at that point, and she further indicated that she would accept money from those wishing to attend the con, after the meeting had concluded. Joe Mayhew announced that the Disclave 1983 Program book would feature an original cover by Jack Gaughan, the convention's Art Guest of Honor, and that Somtow-Ji would be doing a survey of the restaurants in the area of the hotel. D'Udderclave Chairfan Jul Owings polled those present about their feelings as to whether D'Udderclave should have a $10.00 per hour bar tender at the functions, to which the club voted a resounding "no", but to the suggestion of having a $10.00 Lifeguard at the pool for the hours after the normal closing at 10:00 PM, the consent of the group was happily given. It was also discerned that the group did want to have the function space for as much time on Saturday and Saturday night as we could without incurring additional expenses. Jul suggested that fans attending who have video players should bring them and tapes, discs, etc. to liven up the program.
Doll Gilliland announced via her husband, Alexis, that she would hold a rehearsal of 2001 at the first meeting in March. She also requested the loan of any slides of space, launches, satellites, and other views suitable for use with the play. In reply to the question concerning the Smithsonian showing of Star Wars, cancelled by the blizzard, it was reported that they would refund money or exchange the tickets for other showings. Chris Callahan announced for the Membership Committee that two fans had been added to our membership list at the previous meeting. Neither George Nyhen nor Lee Shehr, who had become new members violated the tradition of not attending the meeting after being accepted as members. It might be noted that George has previously belonged to WSFA.
Rosa called for new and old business in vain.
When she called for announcements, a flurry of hands, despite the fact that all of the real fans were at Boskone, made their announcements. Victoria Smith announced that she had become a personnel, courtesy of the Commerce Department. Rosa pointed out that the small black oriental roving about on the floor was actually the Woodwards' katten (at an awkward age, hard to describe as either cat or kitten) named "Lore". Lee Smoire hoped for a poker game despite the fact that all of the real fans were at Boskone. She also encouraged folk to get their ConStellation membership housing forms completed and in as soon as possible. Joe Mayhew had a vulgar little fanzine called Fantagony (Vol I, No.2) which he distributed to anyone who promised they had little or no taste. John Rubins gave his new address as [censored], Adelphi, Maryland 20783.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:21 PM after the usual nonsense of everyone shouting "NO" when asked for those opposed.
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OK, it's cheating! Anybody who is willing to provide 2 pages of copy will be welcomed with open arms!