The WSFA Journal

The WSFA Journal

Volume 9

Number 6

First Friday


Meeting of November 1, 1985 at the home of the Gillilands, President Alan Huff presiding. Minutes were taken by Catherine Slusser, Trustee, at the request of the absent Secretary.

The meeting was called to order at 9:17 p.m. Minutes were waved. Treasurer Bob Oliver reported that the treasury stands at $9,241.29.


Disclave '86: Jack Heneghan referred to the report in the Journal. He also reminded people of the meeting at his house on Sunday, November 17, 1985 at 2:00 p.m.

Disclave '87: No report.

Entertainment Committee: Doll Gilliland reported on the:

1) Tree Trim on December 20th. Please bring an ornament.

2) Solstice Dinner on December 21st. The club provides a turkey and paper plates. Attendees bring everything else. We need tables and chairs. Please inform Doll Gilliland if you intend to reserve a place by the second week in December.

3) On Friday, December 6th there is a Halley's Comet Celebration at the Air and Space Museum. It is free. Doll suggested that the first Friday consist of going to the celebration followed by a late meeting.


Bob Oliver announced the publication of the WSFA membership list at the next meeting. He asked that people please check his records to make sure their names and addresses are correct.

The Trustees were asked to select a nominee for Treasurer by the third Friday meeting. People were asked to let the Trustees know if they want to be Treasurer.


Doll Gilliland raised the issue that the $1,500 set aside informally by Disclave past for Disclave future should be returned formally to the club, then authorized by the club to be placed in a special fund. The issue was discussed and the point made that it is imperative for WSFA to leave a clear audit trail for tax functions. Jack Heneghan announced that he would request that his Treasurer return all funds to WSFA.

The motion was made to give $1,524.91 to Disclave '86. The motion passed.

The meeting place for the third Friday meeting beginning in January was discussed. Jack Heneghan/Elaine Normandy are willing to host it occasionally as are Kent Bloom/Mary Morman.

Jack Heneghan volunteered to host the Fifth Friday party pending Elaine's approval. Elaine was promptly called and agreed.

The meeting was adjourned.

Third Friday


Meeting of November 15, 1985 at the home of the Olivers, President Alan Huff presiding. Minutes were taken by Ginny McNitt, Secretary.

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 p.m. Portions of the minutes were read by the Secretary but they will not be approved till they appear in the Journal. Treasurer Bob Oliver reported that the treasury stands at $9,116.13.


Disclave '86: Jack Heneghan reminded everyone about the meeting at his house on Sunday.

Disclave '87: Joe Mayhew reported that Gene Wolfe has not definitely responded. The Art GOH Barclay Shaw has said yes. Lucius Shepard has not responded. Anyone who wants to work on Joe's con, please work on Jack's con and get experience.

Entertainment Committee: Alexis Gilliland reminded everyone about the Solstice Dinner on December 21st. Please let Doll know if you plan to attend.


Joe Mayhew, as Trustee, nominated Bill Jensen as the Trustee's candidate for Treasurer. The vote will be held on the meeting of December 6th.


Alan Huff requested that Mike Walsh take the chair. He then introduced proposed changes to the Bylaws suggested by the tax lawyer. He said that with minimum changes we can qualify for a 501c7 (social club exempt) under the law. Alan passed out the proposed changes.

Joe Mayhew suggested that the Secretary produce one document that shows everything that concerns the governance of the club.

Jack Heneghan proposed that the minutes of this meeting be sent by mail to all members who are not at this meeting.

It was moved and passed that the next meeting will be held at 10 p.m. at the Gillilands after the Halley's Comet Celebration.

The meeting was adjourned.

Executive Board Announcement: In order to revise our Constitution and Bylaws to conform to legal necessities, we need the signatures of 2/3 of the members in good standing by December 20, 1985. Therefore, please be present at the December 6th or December 20th meeting to sign or object.