The WSFA Journal, March 1988

The WSFA Journal





MARCH 1988     EDITOR: Joe Mayhew. [censored], Bladensburg, MD 20710     ISSN 0894-5411



February 5, 1988

At Gilliland House, Mike Walsh presiding. Those attending: Joe Mayhew, Covert Beach, Dan Hoey, Kathi Overton, John Pomeranz, Keith Marshall, Vicki Smith, Abner Mintz, Walter Miles, Rebecca Prather, Pat Jones, Steven Fetheroff, George Shaner, Joe Hall, Doll Gilliland, Alexis Gilliland, Dick Roepke, Chris Callahan, Steve & Terilee Edwards-Hewitt, Eva Whitley, Jack Chalker, Ray Ridenour, Bob MacIntosh, Tammy Paynter, Jeannie Yarsawich, Larry Herman, Irvin Koch, Robyn Rissell.

The meeting began at 9:09, the minutes were accepted as published. The Treasury balance was $16,955.94.

ENTERTAINMENT: Flier folding (fannish origami) courtesy of the upcoming mailing for DISCLAVE.

DISCLAVE'88: Tom Schaad announced a meeting at his home for the Con's department heads at 1:00 on Sunday, Feb. 21st.

DISCON III: John Pomeranz reported on the bid's Con parties. Their new officers are: President = Kent Bloom, Secretary: John Sapienza, Treasurer = Bob MacIntosh, Trustees = Chris Callahan, Eva Whitley, Mike Walsh and Peggy Rae Pavlat.


NEW BUSINESS: Eva Whitley suggested a "Datclave" committee which will be discussed at subsequent meeting. Adjourned at 9:23.


February 19, 1988

At Bloom/Morman house. Mike Walsh Presiding: Attending: Kent Bloom, Mary Morman, Tom Schaad, Joe Mayhew, Mark and Jul Owings, Susan Cohen, Covert Beach, Irvin Koch, Alexis Gilliland, Joe Hall, Robyn Rissell, Art Pond, Lance Oszko, Lee Strong, Walter Miles, George Shaner, Abner Mintz, Alan Huff, Keith Marshall, Neil Ottenstein, Jack Heneghan, Jake Terrell, Steven Fetheroff, Sam Schwartz, Larry Shade, Naomi Ronis, Erica Van Dommelen, Dan Hoey, Jim & Kim Elmore, Barry & Judy Newton, Brian Lewis, John Sapienza, Elaine Normandy.

The meeting began at 9:10. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasury balance was not available.

DISCLAVE'88: The press gang again: a flier labeling party.

DISCLAVE'89: Mike Walsh announced that Alexis and Dolly Gilliland would be Fen GOH.

DISCON III: A work party is scheduled at 1:00 at Kent Bloom's on Sunday, March 20th.


NEW BUSINESS: The following request from DISCON III was presented and discussed:

$ 5,000.00 Loan needed to compete
DISCON III Capital Requirements ---1988

Cost eachExpenseAnticip. Income
300 BID T-Shirts$4.00$1200.00$2100.00
100 Committee T-Shirts$4.00400.00700.00
1000 Buttons$0.33300.005000.00
5000 Plastic Bags$0.462300.00
1500 Fan Calendars$0.801200.007500.00
150 Book Bags$3.00450.001050.00

Other bid expenses: Fliers, mailings, stickers, parties, promotional material: 2400 22 ¢ stamps at $528.00, a suite at Worldcon for four days at $1460.00, a year's supply of badge stickers at 250.00 - a typical con party costs $ 150.00
Other bid income: dues, assessments, political favors, contributions. In addition to the time volunteered, each bid corporation member pays $40.00 a year. "Political Favors" are for sale for $10.00 from the bid. Each bid corporation member loans the bid money as needed.


Alexis Gilliland asked Bid Chairman Kent Bloom whether it mightn't be better, as their anticipated request was for a very large amount, that notice to the general membership ought to be given and the vote for the money occur at a meeting after that notice has been given.

Joe Mayhew suggested that the bid request a sum be requested now for their present needs. Thus prodded, Kent accepted the following motion on his behalf: That WSFA grant the DISCON III bid $1,500.00 in the form of a line of credit to draw upon for the bid's most pressing needs.

This was passed with only 2 votes against it.

The Secretary read the names of those who had were actually eligible to vote. Around 30 qualified. He hoped that membership cards would be available at the next meeting.


Lee Strong reported that since last attending WSFA he'd received two performance awards at work, bought a new car "Captain Midnight", and had dieted off 25 pounds. @ Subscriptions to THE MAD ENGINEER are running out. The winter 1988 issue featured a puzzle contest with prize - a year free of it. (no, Joe, a year's free subscription!) and a valuable mystery gift. @ Lee will not be available while recovering from the show of discovering that he had, inadvertently, become "Lee on the Left."

Allan Asherman's entire collection of Star Trek and Superman memorabilia has been destroyed. He wants to rebuild. Requests donations in the form of memorabilia or $. If this cause seems worthy, send to:

Allan Asherman
c/o Dave Stern
Star Trek Editor
Pocket Books, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
(This does not constitute a recommendation by WSFA)

The meeting was adjourned at 9:51

Then the press (on) gang went to work while DISCON III's officers held a meeting upstairs.


What more can one say?



Evecon V will probably go down in memory as "Night of the Living Headsets: They cam from Hell...& NO ONE was going to have any fun!" To be fair to Bruce Evry, the Con Chair, all he wanted was a safe & simple con, & perhaps everything seemed to be caving in at once.

Lance Oszko & I went to Evecon as representatives of the Discon III Worldcon Bid & the con committee was very good to us: They gave us an entire conference room to play with, gratis! When we were being safely ensconced in our room, Bruce began talking about the speech to be made by one of the guests. I am all but positive that he was referring to Hal Clement (Harry Stubbs) but I couldn't swear to it, now. At any rate, Bruce was saying that he hoped Mr. Clement (?) would mention - disparagingly, of course - the less desirable element that, of late, has begun to infest s.f. conventions. My only reaction at the time was to wonder, "Hm...aren't we supposed to be celebrating science fiction here?" I didn't really think about it until later.

Sometime afterwards, I had a near-religious experience. In a seemingly magical ring, haloed by the chandelier, a white-haired male gentleperson stood. I caught my breath.... Was that? Could it be? ...Gee, I'd always thought Isaac Asimov would be, oh, about eight feet high, five feet wide & have VERY LOOOOOONG arms --! Yes, gentlebeings, it was this Jophan's first look at the Grand/Dirty Old Man, Himself.

Even though Evecon always celebrates Isaac Asimov's birthday, he isn't expected to show up. This year, of course, he had. So Evecon came to us & asked if we, as the only suitable/available space, would hold a small party for the Asimovs in our Bid Suite? WE allowed ourselves to be persuaded. "&," they turned to me & asked if I would set up & start things that night because he wanted to hear Dr. Asimov's speech. Be official hostess all by myself? I allowed myself to be persuaded.

Just as Lance & I were on our way for a bite before the party, we caught sight of none other than Hal Clement, standing in the lobby, looking rather lost & alone. Which he was. It seems that whoever was in charge of taking care of guests was so busy wining & dining the Asimovs - a worthy notion, to be sure - had allowed Hal Clement to slip through the cracks - not a worthy notion! Hal Clement is a gentlebeing of the first magnitude, but is constantly being taken for granted because he's 'always around' and he never seems to take notice.

A few seconds consultation with Lance decided that we would rectify the situation, if possible. It was then that we caught sight of Dick Preston who also had the same idea. So much the better, I thought. Mr. Clement told us that he was looking for his son, & would perhaps eat with him, but, at length, decided to join us.

As a Baltimorean, I, of course, had no idea where to go. But the rest of the fans had no excuse for driving around twenty minutes just to end up at a restaurant around the corner, in sight & walking distance of the hotel! We had all piled into a truck, half of us in the back. That is usually my favorite seat, but, as I had offered half of my jacket to Mr. Clement (who made the mild comment that perhaps someone could have thought to tell him he might need his coat), I sat in the cab. Ah, what the hay - I can ride in truckbeds any day!

Sparing everyone the details of dinner, I will say that Mr. Clement remains entrenched in my memory as one of the more kind, good-natured, modest & polite examples of the species. I guess that's why everyone keeps telling me to "Just call him 'Harry'."

I got to Discon's party room as scheduled, an half-hour early & finished everything - with the help of others, to whom I am most grateful: the Janda sisters, Steven Fetheroff, Erica Van Dommelen & that pleasant, helpful couple from Virginia (Ghu, what were their names!!?)

Well, needless to say, Dr. Asimov was running on fannish standard time. Zero hour - 8:00 - came & went before someone thought to tell me "Oh, Isaac decided to stop by the masquerade, so he'll be a little late." 9:15 rolled around & I had to put some of the food away, just to make sure there'd be some when [IF!] the Asimovs (finally) came. I just barely saved the chocolate covered cherries brought specially for Dr. Asimov. When Lance gave them to me, there had been half a box. I considered myself lucky to have salvaged four of them! I told people who were sitting around that anywhere else was free, but anyone sitting in the two chairs I had reserved for Dr. & Mrs. Asimov would be removed - forcibly, if necessary - when the time came.

A small crowd had begun to gather. It seems that Bruce had made a public announcement about the party during the masquerade break (a sure sign, I noted, that all was not well with Bruce.). Luckily, Evecon is primarily a gamer's convention & it would take an Act of G-d to make them even look up from their dice. Only once did I actually descend to getting rid of people. A party of junior revellers stuck their heads in the door - barely deigning to enter - & demanded, "Where's Isaac?" (Nothing like snot-nosed brats to make my evening complete.) As coolly as I could manage, I said, "Gee, I guess it's been cancelled. He might be at the other end of the Hall." (& he might have been -- or on the moon! Anything's possible!)

Steven Fetheroff, out of his own pocket, insisted on purchasing one of our "official sexy black" Discon III T-shirts for Dr. Asimov. Steve pointed out, & rightly so, that Discon III should present one to Dr. Asimov. Gee! & I thought Steven was just another dumb blond.

It was nearly 10:00 when a sweet-faced, somewhat older woman stepped uncertainly into the room. Woman's or Celtic intuition told me this was Dr. Janet O. Jeppson (Mrs. Asimov). She asked, "Where's Isaac?" This time I did not suggest the party at the end of the hall. Even his wife didn't know where he was. I mentioned the masquerade and she nodded understandingly, which I took as a good sign.

It was sometime after 10:00 when, without fanfare, the Guest of Honor arrived. Being the sloppy little romantic that I am, I was pleased to see that the first thing he did was hug his wife, fairly exclaiming in delight to have found her. He seemed genuinely surprised & touched by what we had done - how nice the party was & how lovely a cake (Evecon had provided it: chocolate, of course, it was shaped like an open book & decorated with two of his robots). Dr. Asimov insisted on cutting a good deal of the cake himself before sitting back & letting me do it for him.

I completely forgot to plug the bid (I even forgot the chocolate cherries, but Lance, with a loud "Bonbons for Isaac!", took care of that & Dr. Asimov got his Choco-fix). But I remember the T-Shirt, though Dr. Asimov didn't (and I'm mailing it to him). Brian Lewis got in our plug by leaping precipitously to his feet & asking the Good Doctor for his endorsement. Not only did we get it, but he made a most gracious speech thanking us, & told us that, in the future, all we would have to do is mention to him that we met him at Evecon & he would count us among his friends.

I think I now understand the "Isaac Asimov Mystique". There we were, a room full of suddenly giggly, bashful women, so he simply behaves as his warm, genial self - & then the other shoe dropped. Maybe it was because I was the hostess; maybe it was because I made sure to ask his wife's permission before hugging him (That can really bother some men) but most likely it was because he's Isaac Asimov & could get away with it...I yelped! He protested, "I was only checking to see if it was in one piece!" He's got a reputation to maintain & relishes every minute of it! But, how was I supposed to sigh in hero-worship, "Gee, I'll never wash my derriere again!"?

Discon III is building a reputation as an innovate fun group. The Other Bid may have all the cash, but we've got the class the Top-hat & Toga show, the 5:00 AM Balloon Battle (which has promised to thrive & spawn) & the unofficial anthem of Evecon V (grace a André Lieven, qui vien du Canada) "Boot to the Head".

There we were, minding our own business, innocently partying up a storm, when THEY came! The Official Party Poopers, the Evecon Gestapo, Bruce's Red Shirts (OK, so they were wearing strips of orange cammo - close enuf!) The weekend had proven too much for poor Bruce's nerves & he was rumored to be wandering around the hotel ordering fen to bed, trying to empty the halls, shutting down the con suite (!!) & putting a halt to the parties.

The Junior Terminators came by in waves, checking for booze, drugs, nude jello fights, white slavery rings & anyone enjoying themselves. After the third inspection, I put up a sign: "WE'RE CLEAN! WE CAN'T AFFORD LIQUOR! YOU'RE THE 3rd GROUP TO CHECK! HONEST!" Lance actually added "GO AWAY" to it -- which is probably why they still came! Some of them visited our party, some fell asleep, and one - David Odenwaller, even defected, and we prevailed. People returned again & again to our bid parties & brought their friends.




Places set in fantasy and science fiction universes tend to be hard to get to. You just don't hop in the car and drive to Oz. There are no shipping lines to Atlantis or Islandia. The shuttle hasn't been secretly rendezvousing with puppeteers or lensmen -- more the pity, that. What it boils down to is that the road may go ever on, but it doesn't connect with I-95. It sometimes seems as hard to find the books which contain these realms. They don't stay very long on books store shelves. Even the works of the most popular and famous authors can be impossible to find if you don't buy them in their window of opportunity immediately after being published. Anyone who has ever tried to buy a copy of what is widely regarded as Arthur C. Clarke's finest novel, A FALL OF MOONDUST, or tried to complete Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion novel cycle can testify that panning for gold has nothing on book hunting when it comes to effort. It helps to know where the ore is to begin with though, and so: the first part of my guide to the science fiction book stores of Washington/Baltimore.

Good hunting!


Everyone has one of these nearby. If your needs run no farther than the newest book of the central constellation of Asimov, Clarke and Heinlein, you need look no further. Science fiction now makes the best sellers list on a regular basis and the chain owners know this. Unfortunately, more than anywhere though, if an author's work doesn't sell fast in a chain store, it will be gone within a month. Remember when you hear that a book by Glen Cook or Shariann Lewitt, good authors but not all that well known, is published, it will appear in these book stores a week before the official month of publication. If they don't do well, it's possible for their work to be off the shelves before the end of the month their books were published in. New authors have it even worse. even a measure of fame like a Hugo or two is no guarantee that a writer's work will stick around any longer than that. Why is this? Well, a quick review of Locus's analysis of book store sales figures shows that the chains make their money from the sales of TSR publications (the company behind Dungeons and Dragons) and from Piers Anthony. Since that is what makes up the meat of their market, it's perhaps too much to expect for these businesses to be anything other than the fast food stores of the book trade.

There's an exception to every rule, of course. When it comes to the chain book stores, it's the B. Dalton Bookstore in the Laurel mall. The manager of this store is clearly devoted to having a real bookstore, instead of just a display case for the latest media-related books. It has a large selection of SF paperbacks, and the biggest collection of new new science fiction hardbacks I have ever seen outside of the SF specialty stores. They also carry Nancy Lebowitz's buttons. I don't know the manager, but I suspect I see him or her frequently at conventions. This store is the only one of its kind I can recommend: it deserves your patronage.

Next month: Science Fiction Specialty stores in Washington



FEBRUARY 6, 1988
Current voter = (CM)
Disclave Only = (D)
Treasurer Dues Only = (T)

Ahsh, F. L.(D)
Box 2146
Alexandria, VA 22301
(703) 281-9032

Avery, Shirley (D)
Columbia, MD 21045
(301) 799-7438

Beach, Covert (D)
Alexandria, VA 22308
(703) 360-4449

Bloom, Kent (CM)
Silver Spring, MD 20902
(301) 593-6247

Bowers, Russell & Elizabeth
Baltimore, MD 21239
(301) 377-8878

Brandt, Beverly L.
Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 513-8230

Brunk, Randall
Mitchellville, MD 20716
(301) 464-0097

Buhman, Fran
Alexandria, VA 22311
(301) 820-2652

Busch, David
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 589-5035

Callahan, Chris
Berwyn Heights, MD 20740
(301) 474-0549

Carroll, Dennis
Annandale, VA 22003

Chalker, Jack
Westminster, MD 21157
(301) 875-0558

Cohen, Susan
Baltimore, MD 21209
(301) 653-0522

Coleman, Arthur (T)
Falls Church, VA 22042
(703) 849-9136

Derry, Chick (Life)
Riverdale, MD 209840
(301) 474-8071

Davis, Avery & Robin
Marietta, GA 30066
(404) 928-6084

Edwards-Hewitt, Jim & Terilee
Arlington, VA 22206
(703) 845-8049

Elmore, Jim & Kim (2CM)
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
(301) 762-9449

Fetheroff, Steven (CM)
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 522-2540

Fetter, Judy (T)
Mt. Ranier, MD 20712
(301) 779-8133

Gilliland, Alexis, Doll &
Charles (2CM, Life)
Arlington, VA 22204
(703) 920-6087

Gresham, Catherine & David
[censored] (DD)
Andrews AFB, MD 20335
(301) 599-8094

Hagan, Mary E.
c/o Mosier
Martinsville, IN 46151

Haldeman, Jay (Life)
P.O. Box 12123
Gainesville, FL 32604

Hall, Joe
Silver Spring, MD 2090Z
(301) 549-7359

Handwork, Nancy
Alexandria, VA 22304
(703) 823-6929

Harris, Michael & Sharon
Haymarket, VA 22069
(703) 754-8814

Hastie, David
Alexandria, VA 22307
(703) 768-6837

Heneghan, Jack (T)
College Park, MD 20740
(301) 474-1012

Herrick, Mike
Essex, MD 212221

Hoey, Dan (CM)
New Carrollton, MD 20784
(301) 577-2709

Huff, Alan (D)
Hyattsville, MD 20782
(301) 422-0924

Jensen, Bill (CM)
New Carrollton, MD 20784
(301) 552-4786

Jones,Laura & Pat (TT)
Falls Church, VA 22046
(703) 573-7211

Kelly, Pat & Miriam
Baltimore, MD 21215
(301) 764-0678

Koch, Irvin
Alexandria, VA 22312
(703) 354-5358

Koelsch, George & Kay (DD)
Lorton, VA 22079
(703) 339-8461

Kolker, Richard (D)
Manassas Pk., VA 22111
(703) 361-1290

Koon, Susie
P.O. Box 700
Lakemore, OH 44250
(216) 784-3760

Leonard, Ron (T)
Mt. Ranier, MD 20712
(301) 779-8133

Lewis, Brian C.
Washington, D.C. 20008

Lockwood, Betty [Berg](Life)
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

MacIntosh, Bob (CM)
Annandale, VA 22003
(703) 573-3172

Madle, Bob (Life)
Rockville. MD 20853
(301) 460-4712

Majerus, Laura (T)
Annandale, VA 22003
(703) 641-0175

Marshall, Keith (CM)
P.O. Box 3445
Crofton, MD 21114
(301) 798-6521

Mayhew, Bill
Greenbelt, MD 20770
(301) 474-0955

Mayhew, Joe (CM)
Bladensburg, MD 20710
(301) 779-1964

McCabe, Thomas R.
Lorton, VA 22079
(703) 339-7103^R

McNitt, Virginia (CM)
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 525-5473

Melnick, Linda
Beltsville, MD 20705
(301) 937-8426

Miles, Walter (CM)
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
(301) 986-4519

Miller, Jacob F
Lanham, MD 20706
(301) 577-2732

Mintz, Abner
Laurel, MD 20708
(301) 953-9253

Morman, Mary (CM)
Silver Spring, MD 20902
(301) 593-6247

Munn, Alison
Reston, VA 22090
(703) 435-3129

Newton, Barry & Judy (2CM)
Box 153
Sandy Spring, MD 20860
(301) 774-0929

Normandy, Elaine (T)
College Park, MD 20740
(301) 474-1012

Novak, John
St. Louis, MO 63111
(314) 351-3906

Odinwaller Gregg, Nova
P.O. Box 1313
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
(301) 760-5697

Oleson, Gary
Alexandria, VA 22302
(703) 960-3774

Oliver, Bob & Rosa (DD)
Clinton, MD 20735
(301) 808-7940

Olson, Keith (CM)
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 525-5473

Oszko, Lance (CM)
Alexandria, VA 22304
(703) 823-0514

Ottenstein, Neil (D)
Lanham, MD 20706
(301) 794-6779

Overton, Kathi D. (D)
Arlington, VA 22207
(703) 525-6186

Owings, Jul & Mark (DD)
Baltimore, MD 21211
(301) 235-4561

Pavlat, Peggy Rae & Eric
College Park, MD 20740
(301) 345-6652

Phillips, Evan (D)
Seabrook, MD 20706
(301) 794-9417

Pomeranz, John (T)
Arlington, VA 22207
(703) 525-6186

Prather, Rebecca (CM)
Falls Church, VA 22042
(703) 534-2274

Preston, Dick & Jane
Vienna, VA 22180
(703) 281-2711

Revells, James
Jakin, GA 31761
(912) 372-4562

Ridenour, Ray
Baltimore, MD 21211
(301) 366-4562

Robert J. Rissell
Alexandria, VA 22312
[H](703) 354-1105
[W](703) 827-427-4798

Roepke, Richard (CM)
Berwyn Heights, MD 20740
(703) 474-0549

Ronis, Naomi (D)
New Carrollton, MD 20784
(301) 577-2961

Sands, Cathy & Leo (DD)
Baltimore, MD 21218
(301) 467-1268

Sapienza, John (Jr.) (D)
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 659-2147

Scharadin, Mary Ellen (CM)
Vienna, VA 22180
(703) 938-5239

Schaad, Tom & Marianne Petrino
[censored] (Tom =CM)
Arlington, VA 22204
(703) 892-4970

Schroeder, Larry
Columbia, MD 21045
(301) 596-6651

Schwartz, Samuel (D)
Woodbridge, VA 22192
(703) 494-4178

Scithers, George (Life)
Rox 8243
Philadelphia, PA 10101

Shaner, George R.
Burke, VA 22015
(703) 415-2169

Sitton, Nancy (D)
Arlington, VA 22205
(703) 534-3309

Slusser, Cat (CM)
Richmond, VA 23233
(804) 741-7504

Smith, Steven (CM)
Silver Spring, MD 20902
(301) 681-7891

Smith, Victoria (CM)
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 385-9741

Smoire, Lee
Perth, Australia

Squire, William
Tacoma Park, MD 20912
(301) 243-7305

Stiles, Elaine & Steve (2CM)
Baltimore, MD 21218
(301) 243-7305

Strong, Lee (CM)
Alexandria, VA 22311
(703) 671-3592

Strauss, Erwin
Alexandria, VA 22304
(703) 823-3117

Sucharitkul, Somtow P.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 994-5392

Sullivan, Timothy
Philadelphia, PA 19130
(215) 763-1954

Swartz, Steven
Burke, VA 222015
(703) 250-4372

Terrell, Kate (D)
Hyattsville, MD 20782
(301) 422-0924

Thomas, Cynthia & Jim
Sandy Spring, MD 2086
(301) 774-7686

Uba, Lee
Reston, VA 22091
(703) 860-0469

Valada, Chris
Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 573-3006

Van Dommelen, Erica (CM)
Arlington, VA 27201
(703) 572-2540

Vaughan-Nichols, Steve & Ginny
Lanham, MD 2070
(301) 459-4728

Wagner, Jane
Somerville, MA 02144
(617) 776-7922

Walsh, Michael J. (CM)
P.O. BOX 22065
Baltimore, MD 21203
(301) 889-4080

Wells, Letitia
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
(301) 656-1740
Wheeler, Susan

White, Ted
Falls Church, VA 22046
(703) 532-0623

Whitley, Eva
Westminster, MD 21157
(301) 875-0558

Winfield, Sue & Ubear
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 251-6671

Yarsawich, Jean
Sterling, VA 22170
(703) 444-5255