The WSFA Journal, January 1990

The WSFA Journal


The Official Newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction Association

January 1990                                           ISSN 0894-5411

Available from the secretary: Rachel Russell,
[address censored], Arlington, VA 22204

1 December 1989, 1st Friday

President Erica Van Dommelen called the meeting to order at 9:10 pm at Kent and Mary's house.

Committee Reports:

Publications: Passed out a journal.

Treasurer: We have $5195.87 in the kitty

Trustees: No. No.

Disclave Past: Things will close out soon.

Disclave Present: Steven Fetheroff negotiated the Howard Johnson's hotel contract for the 1990 Disclave. Some of the major differences from last year's contract include an $82 room rate (flat rate); the need for fireproof materials in the "bunker" area; less nudity in costumes; more security provided by the club; a pre-registration gathering area so early birds aren't cluttering up the lobby. Steven talked them out of charging us $5000 for the use of the function space. Eva Whitley, the Disclave chair, thanked Steven for his work and said she planned to sign the contract the next business day.

Disclave Future: Peggy Rae Pavlat met with the Howard Johnson's to see if we should consider them for the 1991 convention. They were "polite but cool." Peggy Rae may consider other hotels, for example, the Marriott Greenbelt would charge $69 or so for room rate.

Entertainment Committee: Tree-trimming party next meeting; bring a dish to share.

New Biz: No.
Old Biz: No.

Announcements: 5th Friday party at Jack and Elaine's. Steven hit a Metrobus but didn't get a ticket! Erica's parent's house was not hit by a tornado, but it missed the outhouse by 40 only feet. Lee Strong reported that Harry Truman dropped the bomb because Harry read science fiction. Covert Beach said we have 260 paid memberships in the 1990 Disclave.

Attendance: Dale Sharrick, Lance Oszko, Nicki Lynch, Judy Newton, Barry Newton, Meridel Newton, Candy and David Gresham, Joe Mayhew, Tom Schaad, Covert Beach, Elaine Normandy, Nancy Loomis, Daniel B. Burgess, Keith W. Marshall, Kent Bloom, Bob MacIntosh, Dick Roepke, Winton Matthews, Larry Baker, Chris Callahan, Jim Tracy, Irv Koch, Rachel Russell, George Shaner, Matt G. Leger, Dan Hoey, Steven Fetheroff, Eva Whitley, Erica Van Dommelen.

Meeting unanimously adjourned at 9:42 pm.

15 December 1990 [sic -- 1989], 3rd Friday

Erica Van Dommelen called the meeting to order at 9:18 pm at the Gilliland's.

Committee Reports:

Publications: Nothing to say.

Treasurer: $5086.14.

Disclave Past: No.

Disclave Present: Signed contract!

Disclave Future: No news.

Committee to Spend a Lot of Money on Something Extremely Expensive and Controversial has ordered the world's largest snow blowers. Details to follow.

Entertainment: We have a pagan tree to decorate and champagne punch and more.

Old Biz: None

New Biz: None.

Announcements: Steven Fetheroff needs shoeboxes for Disclave Present. We might consider hiring East German police as security guards at Disclave, since they need work now. Erica was given a copy of the magazine "Alaska Men."

Attendance: Abner Mintz, Dan Hoey, Keith W. Marshall, Naomi Ronis, Steve Smith, Lee Uba, John Pomeranz, Kathi Overton, Dolly Gilliland, Irv Koch, Hal Haag, Fido the Wonder Parrot, Daniel Burgess, Tom Schaad, Alexis Gilliland, Michael Enoch, Robyn Rissell, George Shaner, Jack Heneghan, Tippy the Wonder Horse, Jim Tracy, Michael J. (not R) Walsh, Bob MacIntosh, Susan Cohen, Lance Oszko, Lee Strong, Erica Van Dommelen, Rachel Russell, Matt G. Leger.

Meeting unanimously adjourned at 9:33pm.

The newly-formed WSFA committee on Discussing Science Fiction Literature met for the first time at the October third Friday meeting. We decided - amazingly - that (in moderation, of course!) we rather liked the idea of discussing science fiction at a WSFA meeting. Committee meetings will be held at 10:30pm in the downstairs office at the Morman-Bloom home on whatever nights WSFA meets there. We decided to alternate in discussing the works of a particular author and discussing SF on a general theme. Various committee members kindly volunteered to write up a report of the discussions for inclusion in the WSFA Journal.

We decided on the following topics for our first few meetings:

1st Friday in DecemberMike Resnick: Future MythsLee Strong
3rd Friday in JanuaryAlternate Histories: Classics and New IdeasGeorge Shaner
3rd Friday in FebruaryRobin McKinley: Retelling the Classics???

Attending the first meeting were Mary Morman, Nicki Lynch, Winton Matthews. Larry Baker, Lee Strong, Sheryl Birkhead, Chris Callahan, Dick Roepke, George Shaner, Brian Lewis, Matt Leger, Dan Hoey, and Naomi Ronis.

Turner Sponsors Contest For Fiction on Earth's Fate

ATLANTA - Turner Broadcasting System Inc. said it is holding a literary contest for unpublished works of fiction about the short-term prospects of the planet.

"The great minds of today need to focus on the problems of global significance if humanity is to see new tomorrows", said Ted Turner, Turner Broadcasting's chairman and chief executive officer. "These awards are designed to encourage writing by authors throughout the world and in all languages that creates positive solutions to global problems."

The winner of the Turner Tomorrow Award will receive $500,000) in cash, a hard-cover book contract with Turner Broadcasting's publishing unit, a $50,000 advertising and publicity campaign to support the book, and full screen credit should Turner Broadcasting turn the manuscript into a movie.

In addition to the main prize, Turner Broadcasting will give four awards of merit. Those recipients will each get $50,000, a hard-cover publication contract and an option for film production.

Turner Broadcasting said Thomas H. Guinzburg, former president of Viking Press and founder of Paris Review, will be managing director of the Turner Tomorrow Awards, to be headquartered In New York. The company named author Wallace Stegner, novelist Peter Matthiessen, science fiction writer Ray Bradbury and Betty and Ian Ballantine, founders of Ballantine Books, as judges.

Entries are due Nov. 20, 1990, and winners will be announced in late spring 1991, the company said.