May 1990 ISSN 0894-2
President Erica Van Dommelen called the meeting to order at 9:23 pm at the Gilliland's house.
Committee Reports:
Publications: Don't call my old number. My parents are angry and annoyed. My new number has not only been in the current phone list, but is in the telephone book, and with information. NOT that anyone is encouraged to call me! The secretary also distributed a new Journal.
Treasurer: $3,946.39.
Trustees: They announced their slate of candidates for elections on the 1st Friday in May. The nominees are:
President: Tom Schaad Vice President: Steve Smith Secretary: Lee Strong Treasurer: Bob MacIntosh Trustee: Doll Gilliland Judy Newton Dan Hoey
Disclave Present: Chairfan Eva Whitley wasn't present due to snow. Disclave meeting scheduled for Sunday at Peggy Rae's.
Disclave Future: Things continue apace.
Disclave past: "Father of Stones" was nominated for a Hugo.
Entertainment: Buttons for "Frankenstein Unbound." Magazine from Bulgaria. I see a theme here.
Old Biz: None
New Biz: None
Announcements: Erica has a kitten named "Aravir" (the morning star of Narnia). Joe Mayhew wants to go to Confiction because of his Hugo nomination (fan artist category). Dan Hoey let everyone know that Candy and Dave Gresham have moved to Takoma Park.
Meeting unanimously adjourned at 9:43 pm.
Attendance: Victoria A. Smith, George Shaner, Judy Kindell, Dolly Gilliland, Dave Lister, Arlene J. Rimmer, Robyn Rissell, Susan Cohen, Shymala Dason, Stephen Cox, Chris Callahan, Evan G. Phillips, Walter Miles, Mike Zipser, Dick Roepke, Bill Jensen, Lee Morey, Crystal Hagel, D.B. Mongo, jr., Mike Stein, Beth Zipser, Irv Koch, Kathi Overton, Mel Scharadin, Matt G. Leger, Naomi Ronis, Jeff Olhoeft, Dave Hunt, Steve Smith, Dan Burgess, Alexis A. Gilliland, Peggy Rae Pavlat, Tom Schaad, Dan Hoey, Joe Mayhew, Lee Strong, Bob MacIntosh, Covert Beach, Michael J. Walsh, Erica Van Dommelen, Lame Duck Extraordinaire, Rachel Russell, Patrice S. Paul.
Meeting was called to order, kind of, by President Erica Van Dommelen at something after 9 pm at Kent Bloom and Mary Morman's house.
Publications: Nothing to say
Treasurer: $3,899.39.
Trustees: They announced their slate of candidates for elections on the 1st Friday in May. The nominees are:
President: Tom Schaad Vice President: Steve Smith Secretary: Lee Strong Treasurer: Bob MacIntosh Trustee: Doll Gilliland Judy Newton Dan Hoey
Disclave Future: Things continue apace.
Disclave Past: "Father of Stones" was nominated for a Hugo.
Disclave Present: Eva said they had a good con committee meeting and things are going well. Dan Burgess is hotel liason and said everyone is happy.
Entertainment: Remember to bring cookies to Disclave.
New Biz: Next meeting is at Kent and Mary's!!!
Old Biz: No.
Announcements: Eva Whitley says: My friend, Corliss Robe, wants to buy a membership to ConFiction. If you know anyone who has one and can't use it, contact me (that is, contact EVA).
Meeting unanimously adjourned at 9:32 pm.
Attendance: D. B. Mongo, Rachel Russell, Judy Kindell, Hal Haag, Mary Morman, Kent Bloom, Tom Schaad, D.B. Burgess, Dan Hoey, Mike Stein, Kathi Overton, Robyn Rissel, Jeff Olhoeft, Naomi Ronis, Alexis A. Gilliland, Irv Koch, Terilee Edwards-Hewitt, Jim Edwards-Hewitt, Jim Thomas and Cindy, Kiri Kalawi de Dalriada, Steve Smith, Karl Ginter, Art "Boots" Coleman, Michael Enoch, Linda Melnick, Bob "Kate" Flashhart, Susan Cohen, Sheryl Birkhead, Nicki Lynch, Nick Lynch, Michael J. Walsh, Erica Van Dommelen.
The exciting results of Rachel's Survey! I had 12 responses. Many of the results are surprising (if unscientific). Only 4 people admitted to owning cats--but they have 11 cats between them. Only three people owned dogs. 5 people said they lived at home. 8 people did not live with any other fen! 6 live alone, 4 with someone(s) else, and 2 were married. Everyone was above poverty level. 8 people had graduated college and 3 of them, grad school. 8 people want a boy/girlfriend-one person doesn't-2 are married-2 said maybe. No one wants the meaning of life--but EVERYONE had an opinion about it! The most common opinion was "42." Only 1 person had 1 job for the last 5 years. Most respondents had 3 or more. Most respondents lived in VA and went to all the meetings. There was a distinct trend for MD people to only go to Maryland meetings. 8 boys and 4 girls.
For the longer questions, the most common 5 things to take to colonize a new planet besides the basic survival stuff: Computers and computer stuff; Huge library all on CD-ROM or microfilm; music equipment or musical instruments; candy/junk food; paper, pens, and stuff for drawing and writing the old-fashioned way. The unity of response surprised me!
A few unusual items were:
All the cat people said they'd bring their cats.
There were too many interesting 1st novels and 3 fav's to list but you can look through the survey forms if you want.
As for communicating with aliens almost everyone said carefully. The most original response was "offer M&M's." The answer that seemed most logical was if an alien appeared here, it would probably have figured out a way to communicate with us ahead of time.
DISCLAVE 90 ***TENTATIVE*** Program as of 1990 Apr 16
The Pocket Program should note that the Board Room only holds 20 people incl standing, first come, first served; discussion groups overflowing from that room can have second groups in the Con Suite (and overflow filk can go into someone's room in the cabana area), Also see the notes after the end of the schedule.
Hours of Operation:
Art Show: Fri 12noon-9:00pm; Sat 10:00am-6:30pm; Sun 10:00am-1:00pm.
Consuite: Fri, Sat, & Sun 10:00am-3:00pm next day; Mon 10:00am-5:00pm.
Dealers' Room: Fri 4:00pm-8:00pm; Sat & Sun 11:00am-6:00pm; Mon
Swimming Pool: Fri 10am-midnight; Sat, Sun, & Mon Noon-10pm.
Look in the Registration area for a separate Area Eating Guide and
possibly a separate Film Schedule (or insert same here).
Need to insert map of program/etc. rooms here.
Watch this space for official policy. Also be aware a very strict
anti-weapons policy exists.
[ Crude hand-drawn map of DC area goes here. Coming soon. ]
W H E N & W H E R E Note the first named panelist is always the moderator. FRI 25 May | ROOM A | ROOM B | ROOM C 5pm-6pm |Art Hugos, ASFA Chesleys & Other Art Awards | | |J. Mayhew, D. Beekman, S. Hickman, L. Moyer | | Break:6:30pm|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6:30-7:30pm |Live RolePlaying Games or Interactive Lit.? |NYRSF, SF EYE, THRUST, etc, semiprozines |Mark Rogers Slide Show |T. Edwards-Hewitt, S. Lewitt,&any SILS there|D.Hartwell,D.Schweitzer, S,Brown, D.Fratz|rerun from last year Break-8pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|by popular demand (!) (6:30-8:30pm) 8-9pm |Religion,NewAge,Magik,Occult,Philosphy,SF&F?| | |H.Shapero, B.Bosky, R.Ridenour,E.VanDommelen| | Set up hour for films (8:30-9:30pm) Break-10pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|------------------------------------- 10pm "until"|New Eleusis Game (Come play this card game |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| FILMS RUN from 9:30pm |Marc Drexler of the universe.) |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| See Kathi's Schedule SAT 26 MAY |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 11am-Noon |Nanotechnology |So you want to be a paperback PUBLISHER? |101 Reasons To/Not-To Collaborate |C.Sheffield, E.Kotani, Joe Haldeman, J.Baen |T.Doherty,D.Hartwell,M.Walsh,T.Weisskopf |ACrispin,SLewitt,JRoberts,K.O'Malley Noon--12:30 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12:30-1:30pm|Over 50 Years of Fandom, we lived it |Dress for Hugos,Nebulae,& Women's Combat |You think FANS are weird??? Pros.... |D.Gilliland, B.Madle, A.Hlavaty, M.Drexler |R. Ore, B. Bosky, E. Friesner, A. Moroz |B.Clough,A.Crispin,R.Allen,K.Robinson 1:30--2pm |!SO CUTE! Pro&Phan Writing for Pun & Phrofit|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2-2:30pm |J.DeChancie, E.Friesner, R.Ore, V.Haldeman |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Buckhorn Artists Group 2:30-3pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|A Pro in the family: M. Stutzman | Slide Show: D. Beekman 3:00--3:30pm|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|J.Evans, G.Haldeman, T.Edwards-Hewitt |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3:30-4:30pm |Arthur Hlavaty reads Somtow Sucharitkul work|A family for the Pro: E.Friesner, | Artful GoH Slide Show & Talk |& Somtow talks about that passage. |L.Watt-Evans, Joe Haldeman, S.Lewitt | Dawn Wilson Break-5pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 5-6pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| GoH Speech |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Michael Resnick 6-6:30pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6:30-7:30pm |The Editors Screech(Funny/Bad Mss/Ltrs Rcvd)|Fans turned Pro: J.Chalker, T.Weisskopf, |Set up for Auction |J.Sherman,C.Miller,G.Buchanan,S.Edelman |A.Gilliland, Jack Haldeman, A. Steele | 7:30-8pm | | 8-9pm | Set up for Masqued Dance to follow (in combined Rooms A & B) | | | ART AUCTION (8-9:30pm) 9-9:30pm | | 9:30-10pm | |Set up for films 10pm "until"| "Masqued Dance as described in "WHAT" (in combined Rooms A & B) | FILMS RUN (see Kathi's Schedule) SUN 27 MAY |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 11am-Noon |Bosky's Rules-Etiquette,esp.sexual,in fandom|Ideas for '91 Disclave (You tell US) |Ron Miller Slide Show: |B,Bosky,G.Haldeman,D.Fratz,R.Ridenour |Peggy Rae Pavlat,next year's ConChair |Greatest SF Heroines Noon--12:30 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|Bobby & Marty Gear Masque Slide Hour 12:30-1:30pm|Beyond Fandom/zines -- Pros & the BBS |Disabilities in the Future: J.Tarr, |(Noon-1pm) |J.DeChancie,L.Watt-Evans, A.Hlavaty, |R.Chase,A.Crispin,L.ModesittJr,K.O'Malley|Set up for Auction (1-2pm) 1:30-2pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| 2-3pm |What the writers read: C.Sheffield, |"If I Ran the Zoo" | |M.Resnick, S.Sucharitkul, D.Sakers,D.Winter |Team simulation (sort of) game. | ART AUCTION (2-4pm) 3:00-3:30pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|(YOU bid for and run a WorldCon!!!) | 3:30-4:30pm |SF&F in 2020 -- what will it be then? |John Pomeranz and a cast of SMOFS | |JackHaldeman,K.Robinson,P.Volsky,T.Weisskopf| |Set up for films 4:30-5pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |BIG TIME FILM: 5-6pm |Magic to explain Tech things: P.Volsky, |Marriage due to Conventions/Fandom | THE LITTLE MERMAID |H.Shapero, L.ModesittJr, L.Watt-Evans |A.Hlavaty, B.Bosky,&any other married fen| 6pm until ? |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| FILMS RErun Most program items are self-explanatory; see notes at end for those that aren't. FRI 25 May |BOARD ROOM(Readings/Discussion)(near stairs)| ACTIVITIES AREA in corner of Con Suite |AUTOGRAPHING (Dealers' Room Entrance) 5pm-6pm |Darrell Schweitzer |Carol Resnick & Bobby Gear, Costumes, |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | |bring sewing materials? |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6:00-6:30 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6:30-7:30pm | |Open for users of art materials in area |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Break-8pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8-9pm |Ron Miller reads.... |Scott Edelman, unrepentant hack, debates |Jack Chalker, Joe Haldeman, | |all true lit. types; come join pro or con| 9pm "until" |Open Filk Singing |Unrestrained Con Suiteing |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SAT 26 MAY |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 11am-Noon |Josepha Sherman |Geo Kochell Draws you.... | | | | Noon-12:30 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |Michael Resnick (Noon-1pm) 12:30-1:00pm|Dawn speaks (with artists)(discussion) |W. Stutzman, Jason Crispin, & other | 1-1:30pm |Dawn Wilson |family members of pros not on Sat. panel |John Betancourt, Charles Sheffield, 1:30-2pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|discuss "living with a pro" w/audience. |John Maddox Roberts, Lucius Shepard 2-3pm |Kim Stanley Robinson |Blinky 101: Tech Demo/Intro to Electron- |New Book Cover Displays: BAEN (Baen & | |ic construction. Materials for first 25 |Weisskopf), AVON(Miller), (2-3:30pm) 3:00--3:30pm|Judith Tarr (3-4pm) |with little or no electronics experience | 3:30-4:00pm | |provided. Others welcome. Evan Phillips |New Book Cover Displays:TOR_(Doherty_ 4:00-4:30pm |Ann Crispin (4-5pm) |S.Hickman & A. Gilliland "draw" you into |& Lange); ACE(Buchanan), (3:30-5pm) 4:30-5pm | |a story(both are writer & artist as well)| 5-6pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Break-7pm for everyone to go out and stuff faces,|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 7-8pm |John Maddox Roberts |J.Betancourt, L.Shepard &audience make an|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | |instant story: Marion Barry in Space |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8pm-until |Open for Filk Singers |Unrestrained Con Suiteing |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SUN 27 MAY ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 11am-Noon |Lucius Shepard |Vicki Wyman Sculpie (Polyform) Demo |Josepha Sherman, Judith Tarr, | | | Noon-12:30 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|Lee Moyer shows... |Miranda'sGhostWriters:Don Sakers(Ed), 12:30-1:30pm|Michael Resnick | |Esther Friesner, Shariann Lewitt, | | |Brenda Clough(?), Break-2pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2-3pm |Lawrence Watt-Evans discusses whatever the |Ron Miller & Russian Art |Kim Stanley Robinson, |first 19 comers want to talk about. | |Jack C. (Jay) Haldeman II, Break-3:30pm|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3:30-4:30pm | |Joe Mayhew hands out partial drawings for|Lawrence Watt-Evans, | |you to complete or watch being drawn. |Roger MacBride Allen, Break-5pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 5-6pm | |Geo Kochell, return of the caricature |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6pm until |Open for Filk Singers |Dying dog Con Suiteing |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MON 28 MAY! ::::::::yes there is some program on MON::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 11-noon |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|Discussion Group &/or Reading&/or ArtDemo|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Stephen Hickman |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx noon-1pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|Discussion Group and/or Reading |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Jack Chalker |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1-2pm |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|Discussion Group &/or Reading&/or ArtDisp|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Alexis Gilliland |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Un-program: Any con member may bring up to four 6 - 12 year olds to participate in the Activities Area in the Con Suite.
>>IF, I repeat IF, we find someone to prerecord the Belmont $500k Metro Mile &/or $l,000k Jersey Derby off ESPN and bring it to the Con Monday, Jack/Jay Haldeman and Mike Resnick will do a "play by play from two funny views" deal on it during the "dead dog" (Monday). IF done, the time will be posted in the Activities Area. This will be in Room 125 Cabana area if it occurs.
>>Linda Melnick is "on call" as a sign language interpreter.
>>The Masqued Dance is a long story. About 4 hours. We ask people come in one of three type costumes: Recreation of Resnick or Sucharitkul Works, General SF&F, or Prom Clothes. Bobby & Marty Gear and Michael Walsh will judge the general sf&f. Michael & Carol Resnick & Carol and Somtow will judge their category. Susan Cohen, Erica VanDommelen, and Roger MacBride Allen will be the three chief prommies (judges). Anyone not wearing a costume will be declared in costume anyway; for instance Rikk Jacobs will be declared a 1970s pirate radio station operator and various others as lowlife '50s prom crashers. The Disk Jockeys are Marty Gear, Rikk Jacobs, and Curt Harpold. Between the three of them, expect a variety of music, AND even a few audience requests.
The only other items that need explanation beyond their titles are:
>>"SILS" in Room A, 6:30 Fri, are Society of
Interactive Literature members or live role playing gamers.
>>"Magic to explain Tech things", 5pm Sun, Room A, was the one item we couldn't convey at all with the title. The statement has been made on FidoNet that the reverse of a common saying is also true or at least could be true in a story: "A sufficiently advanced magical system is indistinguishable from Technology." Therefore a group of writers, so inclined, could explain apparently technological things via fancy magic. This is the time to do so.
>>"Marriage due to Conventions/Fandom", 5pm Sun, Room B, has only the one couple on it because there were/are SO MANY already in the program who could be on this. Others can chime in from the audience. We probably should rearrange the chairs in this room into a big circle about the head table just before "If I Ran the Zoo."
Program participants:
Roger MacBride Allen Doug Fratz Robert (Bob) A. Madle Hannah M. G. Shapero Jim Baen <Baen Books> Esther M. Friesner Joe Mayhew Darrell Schweitzer Doug Beekman Bobby Gear Chris Miller <Avon Books> Charles Sheffield John Betancourt Marty Gear Fan GoH Ron Miller Lucius Shepard Bernadette Bosky Alexis Gilliland L. E. Modesitt Jr Josepha Sherman <also Baen Books> Steve Brown Doll Gilliland Anne F. Moroz Allen M. Steele Ginjer Buchanan <Ace Books> Jack C. Haldeman II Lee Moyer Michael Stutzman Jack Chalker Joe Haldeman Kathleen O'Malley Walter Stutzman Robert R. Chase Gay Haldeman Rebecca Ore Somtow Sucharitkul Movie Mogul GoH Brenda W. Clough Vol Haldeman Peggy Rae Pavlat Judith Tarr Susan Cohen Curt Harpold Evan Phillips Lawrence Watt-Evans Ann Crispin David G. Hartwell John Pomeranz Dawn Wilson ARTFUL GoH Jason Crispin Stephen F. Hickman Carol Resnick Paula Volsky John DeChancie Arthur Hlavaty Mike Resnick GoH Erica VanDommelen Tom Doherty <Tor Books> Rikk Jacobs Ray Ridenour Michael Walsh Marc Drexler George Kochell John Maddox Roberts Toni Weisskopf <Baen Books> Terilee Edwards-Hewitt Eric Kotani Kim Stanley Robinson Douglas E. Winter Scott Edelman Eleanor Lange <Tor Books> Mark E. Rogers V. M. Wyman Julie F. Evans Shariann Lewitt Don Bakers
From our vantage point amid the peace and enlightenment of the 23rd Century, it seems impossible to imagine the passions stirred by the 20th Century debate over abortion.
Hundreds died in rioting. Thousands marched in protest. Millions voted their convictions, electing and rejecting politicians with lightning speed. And billions of pre-sentient dollars were spent on sloganeering, posturing and, occasionally, research. A second civil war threatened.
As usual, in the end, science trumped the politicians. Fetal transplantation proved a compromise morally acceptable to "Lifers" and "Chosen" alike. Both sides joined in tumultuously hailing Dr. Francis Anna Stein, the inventor of the technique, and Senator Y. A. Dukt, whose name was inevitably linked with the landmark legislation authorizing funds for a comprehensive Federal Fetal Transplantation Program.
It is no wonder, then, that joy turned to national rage overnight when the Supreme Court pronounced the Dukt Bill unconstitutional by a vote of 5-4. All of the averted tensions resurfaced, directed against the Court in an outpouring of fury unseen since the firey days of the First Trump Divorce. President Quayle was forced to mobilize the Army, the National Guard and selected Marine units to restore order to the nation's capital.
Threats to the Court came from all quarters. The most serious came an aroused Congress which threatened to impeach the "Nine Old Fools" and write the laws to suit themselves.
It is indeed fortunate that we have the eyewitness testimony of time traveler Dick Da Xing as to the actual events that followed when the revised Dukt-Tape Bill went to the Court for a new hearing.
Dick, disguised as H. L. Mencken, Jr., ace reporter for The Washington Moon, scooped his fellows by use of 23rd Century technology. While other reporters were still fighting their way out of the Court's temporary home in the Jos. Mayhew Library Building, Dick teleported across the seething city to file his story on the Court's decision.
Moon editor James Oh Sen thundered, "Mencken! Great story! But we need a headline! Condense your 5000 word story on the Court's decision and the constitutional implications into ten words or less!"
Dick answered proverbially, "A switch in time saves the Nine."
F. L. Ahsh
P.O. Box 2146
Alexandria, VA 22301
Covert Beach
Alexandria, VA 22308
Clifford Bell
Arlington, VA 22204
Don Bieniewicz
Vienna, VA 22181
Kent Bloom
Silver Spring, MD 20902-4008
Dan Burgess
Springfield, VA 22153
David Busch
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Chris Callahan
Berwyn Heights, MD 20740
Jack Chalker
Westminster, MD 21157
John Clarkson
Englewood, NJ 07631
Susan Cohen
Baltimore, MD 21209
Art "Boots" Coleman
Silver Spring, MD 20901
Jan and Phil Cox
Falls Church, VA 22042
Chick Derry
Riverdale, MD 20840
James and Terilee Edwards-Hewitt
Arlington, VA 22206
Kim and Jim Elmore
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Steven Fetheroff
Arlington, VA 22204
Judy Fetter
Mt. Rainer, MD 20712
Alexis and Doll Gilliland
Arlington, VA 22204
Charles Gilliland
Arlington, VA 22204
Candy and David Gresham
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Joseph Hall
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Dave Hastie
Alexandria, VA 22308
Jack Heneghan
College Park, MD 20740
Dan Hoey
Berwyn Heights, MD 20740
Alan Huff
Hyattsville, MD 20782
Dave Hunt
Washington, DC 20010
Bill Jensen
New Carrollton, MD 20784
Laura and Pat Jones
Falls Church, VA 22046
John Kinney
Alexandria, VA 22314
Irvin Koch
Alexandria, VA 22312
George and Kay Guinan Koelsch
Lorton, VA 22079
Elspeth Kristor
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Matt Lawrence
P.O. Box 180409
Austin, TX 788718
Matt G. Leger
Arlington, VA 22209
Ron Leonard
Mt. Ranier, MD 20701
Brian Lewis
Germantown, MD 20874
Nancy Loomis
Lanham, MD 20706
Dick and Nicki Lynch
P.O. Box 1270
Germantown, MD 20875
Bob MacIntosh
Annandale, VA 22003
John T. Madigan
Derwood, MD 20855
Bob Madle
Rockville, MD 20853
Laura Majerus
Silver Spring, MD 20110
Keith Marshall
P.O. Box 3445
Crofton, MD 21114
Wenton E. Matthews, Jr.
Washington, DC 20002
Bill Mayhew
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Joe Mayhew
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Ginny McNitt
Arlington, VA 22201
Linda Melnick
Beltsville, MD 20705
Walter Miles
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-6263
Frank Miller
Lanham, MD 20706
Abner Mintz
Laurel, MD 20708
Mary Morman
Silver Spring, MD 20902-4008
Heather Nachman
Richmond, VA 23229
Barry and Judy Newton
P.O. Box 153
Sandy Spring, MD 20860
Elaine Normandy
College Park, MD 20740
Keith Olson
Arlington, VA 22201
Lance Oszko
Alexandria, VA 22304
Jul and Mark Owings
Baltimore, MD 21211
Susan Palmer
College Park, MD 20740
Patrice S. Paul
Rockville, MD 20853
Eric and Peggy Rae Pavlat
College Park, MD 20740
Evan Phillips
Seabrook, MD 20706
John Pomeranz
Arlington, VA 22207
Rebecca Prather
Falls Church, VA 22042
Ray Ridenour
Baltimore, MD 21211
Robyn Rissell
Arlington, VA 22213
Dick Roepke
Berwyn Heights, MD 20740
Naomi Ronis
Baltimore, MD 21215-3548
Rachel Russell
Arlington, VA 22204
John Sapienza
Washington, DC 20037
Tom Schaad
Arlington, VA 22204
Sirikany Schaffer
Springfield, VA 22152
Mary Ellen Scharadin
Vienna, VA 22180
Samuel Schwartz
Woodbridge, VA 22192
George Scithers
P.O. Box 8243
Philadelphia, PA 10101
George Shaner
Burke, VA 22015
Dale Sharrick
Adelphi, MD 20783
Nancy Sitton
Arlington, VA 22205
Cat Slusser
Richmond, VA 23233
Steve Smith
Silver Spring, MD 20902
Victoria Smith
Fairfax, VA 22030-3115
William Squire
P.O. Box 3247
Silver Spring, MD 20901
Mike Stein
P.O. Box 10420
Arlington, VA 22210
Elaine and Steve Stiles
Randallstown, MD 21133
Lee Strong
Alexandria, VA 22311
Cynthia and James Thomas
Sandy Spring, MD 20860
Jim Tracy
Arlington, VA 22201
Lee Uba
Alexandria, VA 22309
Christine Valada
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Erica Van Dommelen
Arlington, VA 22201
Steven and Virginia Vaughan-Nichols
Lanham, MD 20706
Michael Walsh
P.O. Box 19951
Baltimore, MD 21211
Sue Wheeler
Baltimore, MD 21218
Eva Whitley
Westminster, MD 21157
Sue and Ubear Winfield
Rockville, MD 20850
Elizabeth and Michael Zipser
McLean, VA 22101
Covert Beach 703-360-4449 Clifford Bell 703-920-9434 Don Bieniewicz 703-385-1567255-0837 Kent Bloom 301-593-6247 Dan Burgess 703-440-0843 David Busch 301-589-5035 Chris Callahan 301-474-0549 Dennis Carroll 301-933-2854 Jack Chalker 301-875-0558 Susan Cohen 301-653-0522 John Clarkson 201-568-2207 Art "Boots" Coleman 301-276-1207681-7858 Jan and Phil Cox 703-532-0420 Chick Derry 301-474-8071 James and Terilee Edwards-Hewitt 703-845-8049 Jim and Kim Elmore 301-762-9449 Michael Enoch301-365-5601703-525-3637 Steven Fetheroff 703-931-5848 Judy Fetter 301-779-8133 Alexis and Doll Gilliland 703-920-6087 Charles Gilliland 703-920-6087 Candy and David Gresham 301-599-8094270-1207Lee Hagee301-889-9456Joseph Hall 301-MI9-PEXY David Hastie 703-799-4967 Jack Heneghan 301-474-1012 Dan Hoey 301-577-2709220-2345 Alan Huff 301-422-0924 Dave Hunt 202-723-8371 Bill Jensen 301-552-4786 Laura and Pat Jones 703-573-7211 John Kinney 703-370-2056 Irvin Koch 703-354-5358 George and Jay Koelsch 703-339-8461 Matt Lawrence 512-834-8455 Matt Leger 703-525-0717 Ron Leonard 301-779-8133 Brian Lewis 301-946-4252972-9325 Erica and North Lilly 513-523-6176 Betty Lockwood 301-694-0873 Nancy Loomis 301-577-2732 Dick and Nicki Lynch 301-990-3064 Bob MacIntosh 703-573-3172 Bob Madle 301-460-4712Laura Majerus703-641-0175Keith Marshall 301-589-7164 Winton E. Matthews 202-547-5786 Bill Mayhew 301-474-0955 Joe Mayhew 301-474-2110 Ginny McNitt 703-824-0323 Linda Melnick 301-937-8426 Walter Miles 301-986-4519 Frank Miller 301-577-2732 Abner Mintz 301-953-9253 Mary Morman 301-593-5249 Heather Nachman 804-741-5384 Barry and Judy Newton 301-774-0929 Elaine Normandy 301-474-1012 Keith Olson 703-525-5473 Lance Oszko 703-823-0514 Jul and Mark Owings 301-433-6569 Susan Palmer 301-441-1024 Patrice Paul 301-946-4568 Eric Pavlat 301-345-8077 Peggy Rae Pavlat 301-345-6652 Evan Phillips 301-794-9417 John Pomeranz 703-525-6186 Rebecca Prather 703-534-2274 Ray Ridenour 301-366-7365 Robyn Rissell 703-532-6115 Dick Roepke 301-474-0549 Naomi Ronis 301-578-1469 Rachel Russell 703-379-1422 John Sapienza 202-659-2147 Tom Schaad 703-892-4970 Mary Ellen Scharadin 703-938-5239 Samuel Schwartz 703-494-4128 George Shaner 703-425-2169 Dale Sharrick 301-439-3665 Nancy Sitton 703-534-3309 Cat Slusser 804-741-7504 Steve Smith 301-681-7891 Victoria Smith 703-385-1736 William Squire 301-587-8089 Mike Stein 703-241-2927 Elaine and Steve Stiles 301-243-7305 Lee Strong 703-671-3592 Steve Swartz 301-330-1366 Cynthia and James Thomas 301-774-7686 Jim Tracy 703-522-2540 Craig Trader 703-243-5418 Lee Uba 703-780-4758 Christine Valada 216-397-9308 Erica Van Dommelen 703-522-2540 Steven Vaughan-Nichols 301-459-4728 Virginia Vaughan-Nichols 301-459-4728 Michael J. Walsh 301-889-4080 Sue Wheeler 301-366-0296 Eva Whitley 301-875-0558 Sue and Ubear Winfield 301-251-6671 Elizabeth and Mike Zipser 703-790-5762