* He was convicted of drunk driving in 1976. * I was convicted of office burglary in 1977. * He was guilty. * I was innocent. * He had the best lawyers money could buy. * I had a court-appointed lawyer. * Drunk driving is very likely to cripple or kill someone. * Office burglary is very unlikely to cripple or kill anyone. * He was only 30, so it should be dismissed as a youthful indiscretion. * I was 20, and thus fully an adult. My record should be held against me forever. * He was fined $150, and his license suspended for thirty days. * I was sentenced to six years in the state penitentiary. * He learned from his experience, which makes him uniquely qualified to be elected president. * I will never be allowed to vote. * He had the wisdom to give up drinking alcohol, ten years after his arrest. * I had the wisdom never to drink alcohol in the first place. * He has teams of people to rely on for ideas and to write his speeches. * I have to do all my own thinking, working, and writing. * He says he wants a smaller, less intrusive government. He's lying. * I say I want a smaller, less intrusive government. I'm telling the truth.
(Nothing in the above should be construed as support for Al Gore. I would vote for Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, if I were allowed to vote.)
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Last updated November 5th, 2000.