IGP Spam "Joe Job"
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A "Joe Job" is when somebody spams another person's domain, or web pages in revenge, to get them kicked off the internet, and this seems to have been the technique of choice for IGP to quell any voices of reason.

As some of you may know, this site has been through 4 webhosts over the past 6 months (a webhost is an ISP that "hosts" your website on their computer, usually for a fee). The reason that I have had to switch service providers so many times is because IGP has used spam to attack this website. Now, I bet you are wondering how that works.

Well, IGP hired a spammer to send out tens of thousands of messages to everyone on the internet. This spammer made it appear that the email was coming from this site. So, when thousands of people complained to organizations like SpamCop about my "spamming", my ISP closed me down. My first ISP, http://www.hypermart.net knew I wasn't sending out the spam, but they closed the site down regardless. They did not even give me a chance to download files.

So, I found another host. Again, IGP hired a spamming company to trash this site. However, this time it did not work. My ISP did not close me down; they knew it was not me who was spamming. So, they tried again. The second batch of emails advertised this website as a "bullet-proof host disguised as a public service site." A bullet-proof host is a company that will allow you to spam all you want and they will not close your site down. Well, this is the most HATED type of company on the internet because they make, and support, spam. It did not help that the spammer also made sure to send this email to every spam-hating group and individual (flamers) on the internet. So, as you can imagine, there was a HUGE backlash. I had hundreds of people write, including organizations like the military, universities, and the government complaining to me and my ISP. Again, my ISP smoothed the waters. Most people were quite supportive when they found out that I was being framed. So, this blew over too.

Next, and the final straw for my last webhost, IGP's spammer sent out a million emails. This email advertised an internet credit card company and had 2 "remove" addresses at the bottom: and the EMAIL ADDRESS OF MY WEBHOST. I guess the spammer wanted to make some money by advertising for somebody else AND by taking money from IGP to frame me. I received thousands of "remove" requests (which included a lot of profanity from angry recepients). My ISP also received hundreds of these "remove" requests too. After this, the last straw, I was told to close up shop and find another provider. Business is business, I guess. I was causing my ISP problems. Score one for the spammers!

Now, there is a new spam campaign going on. IGP is sending out emails that are designed to appear to be coming directly from me. They say I am buying email addresses and sending out warnings to people about IGP. I believe the subject is "this is not spam." It is enough to drive a person mad!

NEW: IGP is again sending out spam. This is in response to the CBS News broadcast last week on January 25th. This site is not the only one being attacked... visit http://www.kellyfreehold.com for a clear explanation of IGP's denial of service attacks. KellyFreehold.com had a page archived on their servers that described some of the fraud that goes on within IGP.

So, this is what the "honest and ethical" IGP has been doing these months to stop YOU from learning the truth about their fraud. Want to see some examples of the fake spam? Click HERE

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