Global Prosperity Pyramid

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All money in Global is made by selling the business opportunity to others. If we go by Dave Struckman's own numbers of 1000 new members per month, then IGP members make about three dollars per month on average. This is the epitome of a ponzi scam.

OK, let's break it down. IGP claims you "can make $2000-$5000 dollars per week part-time and even more full-time." Who is making that much then? Well, 1000 members a month is roughly 250 new IGP members per week. Two hundred and fify members nets about $250,000 dollars a week into IGP's offshore bank accounts. That's a lot of money, isn't it? But, when you divide that by 70,000 members, you come out with 3 dollars per week! The other way to look at it, of course, is to assume that there are some people making $5000 per week. This is likely the case in this classic pyramid scam. Well, if you divide $250,000 dollars (the total taken in, by Dave Struckman's own numbers) by $5,000, what do you get? You get 50 people. That means that only fifty people are doing anywhere as well as IGP claims. So, you're thinking, I am slick, I don't care whether I scam people, I CAN be one of the fifty people... well, your chances of being one of these people is 50 members/70,000 members or LESS than .1%! NO, that is not 1%, that is ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT who make money.

It is hard to fathom. But, basically, if you have 100 pennies, and you take 1 penny and then cut it up into 10 pieces and then take one tiny piece of that penny, then this is your chance of making money in Global. Even if you you don't care if you are ripping others off and you are the slickest of all individuals, you are still going to have an impossible time making money with IGP


And, to add something visual, here is what the Institute of Global Prosperity Pyramid looks like if people could actually sell this biz opp to others:


GSA = Global Scam Artist
S = sucker

Level(1)1 GSA

ALL this money goes to the GSA. NOT A CENT goes to anybody else in the Global payment scheme. If this is NOT a pyramid, I don't know what is. I can't even draw the base of the pyramid because it is so big.  
So, if you like the idea of making $3 dollars/week, or you think you can be better than 99.99 percent of people before you, who are very, very experienced at conning people, then by all means send in your money.

From FTC website: (our comments our after the arrows. These
are NOT the FTC comments)

The term "pyramid" is primarily a media term for a
network marketing compensation plan designed in
violation of what are commonly called the "multi-level
laws", both state and federal.

To determine the legality of a network marketing
compensation plan, to ascertain whether it is legal or
alternatively is a "pyramid," review the compensation
plan offered by the company and ask these questions:

1. Do I become a distributor of the company if I buy
the company's product?
---> Yes, but not quite... you still have to pass
up 2 people (which, is why I think it is a pyramid)

2. Am I required to buy the company product to become
a distributor?
---> Yes, it has always been this way. At least, you
are never given the option to be a retailer without
purchasing the tapes

3. Am I required to buy a distributor kit to become a
company distributor? (This includes kits "at company
---> Yes, you need to give them 60 bucks.. but,
perhaps they were trying to wiggle around this by
saying that this is for buying a silver coin or

4. Is there more than one way to become a
distributor, is one of these ways to buy the company's
product and/or sales kit?

---> see questions one and two.

5. Once you become a distributor can you move to
higher commission positions within the compensation
plan by virtue of your own purchases or payments to
the company? (Even if you don't have to do it this
way, can you do it this way?)
---> YES! You can upgrade to GII, where "the big
money is"

6. After becoming a distributor, when moving to a
higher commissioned position within the compensation
plan must you make a minimum payment or purchase in
connection with obtaining that higher position?

---> Hell YES.

7. Was it pointed out to you in connection with your
being asked to become a distributor with the company
that an initial, immediate product purchase was a
means by which you could immediately obtain one of the
higher commissioned positions within the company's
compensation plan?

----> Yes, you could see the big picture and come in
at the GII level... but you still need to pass up the
2 referral sales (pyramid)

If the answer to any of questions 1 - 7 is "yes", the
program which you have been asked to join as a
distributor violates the multi-level marketing laws in
most states and the federal postal statutes - that
program is a "pyramid". A few states permit network
marketing companies to require the purchase of a sales
kit "at company cost", subsequently a plan with this
feature may not be illegal in your state of residence.
However, most states do not have this sales kit "at
cost" exception. A network marketing program with this
feature, if legal in your state, will still be illegal
in most other states and illegal under the postal

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Last updated January 31, 2001